Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Dearest Brother...

dear qing shun, sorry if i've been neglecting you...but believe me i felt the distance months ago...
that explains why i kept going to see u at the stall the chat with you...because i knew if i didn't, our friendship would drag apart...most of the time you are working and i assumed u did not have time to go out, that's why i din't bothered to ask u..i'm sorry...i know u won't bother listening to my explaination or perhaps won't believe me...and you are very sad and very angry...but i hope u will not put this 6 over years of friendship into stake...i

i promise u, it's not about religion...we always respected each other religion...and i believe religion should never be at the centre of our friendship...i respect yours...and i know from the beginning u had always respected mine...thanks for sharing whats in your heart..

it's this things in life that we experience in our frinedship which holds us together...i hope you are willing to give this friendship another the gang, u are the closest to me after blenheim..catch up with your very soon...

with love,

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