Monday, April 17, 2006

first day of school

today was quite happening,
open a door and smash a girl's hand..of course i apologised...lucky she wasn't wearing some original ROLEX watch..
went to photocopy soemthing, and found a Cashcard...
found a wallet on a chair, $20 inside...

i jsut hate people who go around the school as if they are some big shot..esp thsoe year 3 who talks so loudly and so *****...they walk and talk like they are super mature and knows everything...bunch of childish kids...

this is going to be a tortorous final year where i'm going to do an almost impossible mission of dragging my gpa up to a 3.5...just watch me...

quite excited for the boat show, i get to do star glazing again...i just love this kind of nature reflection stuff at night with the cool always somehow drives me to be myself and assures me of God's presense

gd nite! tomrow is 3 hours of's going be a killer...

sweet dreams, lioenl

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