Friday, March 17, 2006

life at work...

busy busy, many many problem... this is what i hear everyday....
okie now that tracy's back from's going to be lifeier... =) 1 weeek of silence... tsk tsk

now i know, every friday there's a buffet at the site...=) construction site buffet...imagine!
oh yes! i accidentally knock my head 3 times on the scaffold today...that makes my helmet the most scratches at the site...if not for the head will be gone...

was in the lorry with the blangahs, hitched a ride back again...they were eating tapioca chips and offered me some...i can really imagine this workers, comign all the way to singapore to work, jsut to support their faimly back in india...the lonliness...imagine..under the hot sun everyday...earning a mere $400 a month...
i got to say this...TEENAGERS now adays...spent so much money...on clothings..those workers wear the same clothes almost every night wash, morning wear again...

love, Lionel

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