Wednesday, March 15, 2006


okie, something exciting...we had fire drill...i din't know there were so many workers at the site till today...i remember when we had firedrill back in school when everybody will go to the assembly area...then line up, then mark attendance

another interesting thing usual, in the mornig, i put on my white helmet and walked around the site...i was following this ah pek around who was doign some concrete coring test... what happen was, we were at the attic of this bungalow, and there was only one powerpoint up there...who knows, another blangah came up with his there we go....ah pek wants to use the powerpoint, blangah also want to use...then how? QUARREL...interesting thing was, the ah pek, thought i was some engineer at the site because i was wearing a white helmet...
then the blangah worker turned to me...and said.."how" i was caught between 2 middle age men...both of thier ages would probably be a hundred...and me a 20 year old have to solve their "who get to use the powerpoinnt" problem...anyway...we worked things out...thanks to me =)

today i also want to thank the inventor of helmet..i knock my head on the scaffold thank God for the helmet it save me from massive's so so dangerous at the site...nails sticking out of wooden planks all miss step while u are walking, and there waiting for you is a piece of iron bar wiating to pierce through your body...

i have many things to day abt the people i'm working with...but i better not say anything till i get my grades...just in case...;) get what i mean ;)

just like a doctor who sees patience, they check out body...
i'm a doctor of buildings,
Cement are like the Flesh,
Steel Bars are like the Bones,
Pips are like the Viens...

love, Tocky

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