Castles and castles and more castles, built during the 4000-5000Bc. THe first picture, u see those green stuff, it's algae growing in the moat. not Wasabe please...

I know it's crazy, but these beds are beds of princcess and prince during the late 14th century. u can imagine how small size they are, u can imagine me on it, with my hands and legs protruding out.

One of my favourite, this need no explaination. i saw this map singapore flag at the top of the towel, and yes, standing beneath the flag facing that direction is singapore, 10745km away.

Inside the Lourve, paintings paintings and more paintings. its quite exiciting if u really have good knowledge of the bible, because, these paintings are like bibles, just that it's in picture forms.

yes, i went to the lourve and saw the original painting of monalisa. have u ever wondered why that painting is worth so much? and do u know who mona lisa is? you don't...ask me and i might tell you..muaha
Notre Dame de Paris

Inside the Notre Dame
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