yes! finally!!! everything's more late night mugging! i'm done! hahaha
the last paper hydrulics was quite okay for me...thank God i rememberd how to cauculate
pressure in that funny looking tank with weird liquids inside...=)
Well freinds, if you don't like maths...don't ever think of coming to my course...
because it will kill u...cauculator is needed for everymodule. The most interesting thing is, i've almost made use of every single function in the cauculator... that's how crazy it can get...=P
went to have dinner with blen's mum and dad on wednesday. Had cold crab, XO tofu, charsiew, pork, steam fish...*BURB* nice! as usual, kien tat did not eat anything except the fish...i've never seen a guy as choosy as him...can't even give face and eat a few a relationship, it's always nice to have a partner who eats anything, in that case, no food is wasted...hahaha =)
went to toa payoh to walk around after that....somehow i walked into cash convertors....dozens of flasks selling for $1...discman selling for as little as $50....kettles, woks, steamboats...all at $5...
there are so many less fortuante people around who hardly afford a brand new wok...or a plate..
we are so fortunate...ThanK God for my family...
went to quessnsway today just to walk around...din't wanted to buy any clothes since we are going to the money!!was in the bus watching tv mobile, when the amazing race family edition advertisement pop out... i was wondering, who would be the best partner to join the amazing race with...
Kien tat-during the race there will be times when we have no money, kien tat will be so
depressed till it's going to slow us down.
JunXiong -i don't trust him when i'm sleeping in the same room with him....hahaha he might probably force the gas out again...
QingShun-sure to save alot of money, and with $1million at stake...nothing is going to stand his way...
Tracy- i have to bring a torchlight and a bag of batteries coz it's going to be dark at most of the time...
Shawntan-no sense of direction, keep going to toilet...will be the first to be eliminated..
study smart pls..drink losta water!
i'm going to post candidates for my surviror team next...stay tune...haha..
Tocky =)