okok, singapore hottest royal ass is back...wanted to blog ages ago, but due to some unforeseen butt circumstances...etc..let me explain...christmas eve was crazy! cousin's came, had turkey with bacon and cheastnut stuffing, chocoloate moouse, cheescake, quich lorraine, ham, and loads more, and the usual tradition of dancing around the christmas tree, this time, we sang 12 days of christmas...then the opening of presents! again our tradition to open presents from the oldest to the youngest! haha...okay christmas day, church, then went to peter's house...his mum cooked the mouth washing mutton! and duno what jelly thingy, like kueh chap, tons of finger food, and muruku..=) later had lamb leg in the evening...tsk tsk..totally fat-out..
okie now, the tsk tsk...the shocker of the year...many of u should had got an introduction in tracy's blog...and desperate to know the story of my royal ass...On the 30th of december, i got admitted to SGH for collectaral surgery! i won't explain in detail wats that in case u faint in front of your computer of heart attack...the story goes on, i was pushed to the operating theatre just like you see in televisions, and given GENERAL ANESTATIC..before that, i said a short prayer, and told the surgeons just before they knock me out " my ass is in your hands" when i woke up...voila! operation done...=) and guess what! the gang was there to see me! fat neo was probably there to see if i'm dead, tracy to see if she gets my will...hahahaha...no snow bird nest. =*( the guys were talking to me till abt 11.30pm...missy was rather pissed i guess..=P a day in the hospital seemed like a year...ultimately boring sleeping in a room with 5 old man...on my left, he has something wrong with his tummy, never eat for 5 days he claimed, on my right was this man who keeps yelling at mr.missy he has some leg injury...it was really funny to see him scoulding in hokkien..hahaha...in front of me there's this man whose very heavy & refuses to eat, far right was this man who has hearing impaired, far left, i duno what happen to him, he keeps coughing flam..and yes me the youngest patient around- with my fat ass getting operated...tsk tsk...serisouly everyone..dun ever have an ass operation, it's very very very inconvenient...u have to trust me....and so my christmas present from SGH, dozens of ultra powerful painkillers, 6 enormous tubes of local anestatic, a box of fibre thingy and a whooping 21 days of mc...not forgetting free gifts from missy- 3 packets of bandages, 1 tape and 2 cloths in case i stain my home sofa...i smell like a walking panadol now...oh yes! another shcoker...missy is the same age as me!!! thank God she never sponge me, or i'll have to wear a mask everywhere i go...
oh yes! believe or not, they actually brought our project work for discussion with me...imgaine that...and they bullied me by planning where they wanted to go watch movie and stuff...tsk tsk...black eye peas!! may i ask.."where is the love"?!?! hahaha...
okok, i think the medincine is making me go insane...any of u guys feeling bored, lonely nothing to do...need some company...er hem...what is my royal ass here for! come talk to me...
*i have to quit the river raft race, so there goes all my hardwork, and my prize money...well..life is unpredictable... =( Lord help me...
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
laughter the best medecine....
hmm....5 more days to chrismas! and 11 more days to the new year...and a step closer to the end of my teenage year...my early twenties..hmm....i wonder how old am i going to get married... =P...i'm almost done with my christmas shopping...antoher trip or 2 down to town and i'm done...=) nicee...to be in town at this time of the year, carols, songs, buskers, and the indespensible hohoho's...
a few updates...my raft is completed! after months of hard work... so everyone! remember to support me in janurary for the river raft race!
thanks for those who voted for qing shun's video clip, he din't win =( but well i'm sure he learnt alot from this compeition yeah? oh yes! Whew! i passed my test in church! 25/50!!! my goodness....coz i comepletely whacked the memory verses...=P..pamela got like 31/50...lucky!
Okie now the angry part! was eating at GREAT WORLD CITY foodcourt after church on sunday...it was pam brother's belated birthday, so the cake, the candles,and after eating, my friend wanted to throw the flattened birthday cake box into the dustbin...duh...and guess what the cleaner scoulded her and told her not to throw...he asked her to throw it somewehre else....??? what on earth is the dustbin for may i asked if not to throw rubbish? an ornament for christmas? it was comepletely absurd! first time i heard a dustbin not allowed to throw rubbish...i would understand if it was somehting bulky...but it was jsut a small flattened cake box...and Yes! u may have guessed it...i was so angry...i took the cake box...and threw it into the dustbin, without bothering what he said...he stared, mumbled few words...but i din't care...
bring the manager to me if he dare...hundreds of church people eat at the foodcourt every weekend...and not allowed to throw a miserable cake box into thier dustbin??? TOTALLY RIDICULES!
Lord, strengthen my heart this christmas....it would be the best christmas present...
a few updates...my raft is completed! after months of hard work... so everyone! remember to support me in janurary for the river raft race!
thanks for those who voted for qing shun's video clip, he din't win =( but well i'm sure he learnt alot from this compeition yeah? oh yes! Whew! i passed my test in church! 25/50!!! my goodness....coz i comepletely whacked the memory verses...=P..pamela got like 31/50...lucky!
Okie now the angry part! was eating at GREAT WORLD CITY foodcourt after church on sunday...it was pam brother's belated birthday, so the cake, the candles,and after eating, my friend wanted to throw the flattened birthday cake box into the dustbin...duh...and guess what the cleaner scoulded her and told her not to throw...he asked her to throw it somewehre else....??? what on earth is the dustbin for may i asked if not to throw rubbish? an ornament for christmas? it was comepletely absurd! first time i heard a dustbin not allowed to throw rubbish...i would understand if it was somehting bulky...but it was jsut a small flattened cake box...and Yes! u may have guessed it...i was so angry...i took the cake box...and threw it into the dustbin, without bothering what he said...he stared, mumbled few words...but i din't care...
bring the manager to me if he dare...hundreds of church people eat at the foodcourt every weekend...and not allowed to throw a miserable cake box into thier dustbin??? TOTALLY RIDICULES!
Lord, strengthen my heart this christmas....it would be the best christmas present...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
all i want for christmas
i wonder if u guys can hear the blog song, i can hear the song using laptop, but not my desktop..i wonder why...anyway for thsoe who can hear the song...
Monday, December 12, 2005
Once the vote is counted...the decision is final...etc..
everyone! qing shun's short film made it to the finals for Cannon DV fest competition please vote for the clip name"parting Gift"
qing shun...i help u publicise...this will be your christmas present...
recently have the news on australia have racial conflicts...i wanted to talk about it in my post...but incase i get into touble with the law for some racial comments..i better keep my mouth shut...it only needs one person to disagree with my post and the whole world will know...
anyway..thank God for Singapore...i'm kinda proud living in multi racial singapore.. ;) beat that Australia! rock on! red dot!
qing shun...i help u publicise...this will be your christmas present...
recently have the news on australia have racial conflicts...i wanted to talk about it in my post...but incase i get into touble with the law for some racial comments..i better keep my mouth shut...it only needs one person to disagree with my post and the whole world will know...
anyway..thank God for Singapore...i'm kinda proud living in multi racial singapore.. ;) beat that Australia! rock on! red dot!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Psalms 23:6
okie!! firstly! Happy 18th Birthday TrACy WaN! finally turned 18 when everybody's coming 20..hope u enjoyed yur birthday and like all yur presents!! i still can't stop laughing thinking rachel did the robot dance..hahaha..okok remember everyone!! my birthday's next la!!! woot!!! that's waht i like about my birthday-not long after chiense new year when everyone has no reason to say they're broke...hiak hiak...each one present..no excuse...=)
this whole week i have 5 greulling exam papers...i must do well!! my gpa must hit a 3.5 this time...for the sake of my $20k/month salary in the future...i must do well!! please pray for me..
oh yes, i've been blading alone this few days..at bishan park...i din't know it can be quite relaxing, listening to my ipod while the cool wind at night just swerve pass...=) i'm going to try it at night at east coast one day... ;) i realise i've became lighter la! i was 72kg...and now i'm 69kg!
hmm...but i duno accurate or not because i weigh myself using those 40cents machine...which comes out a card with a phrase behind...
after exams...shopping all the way..no stopping me...=) oh yes..
today church was fine..took my test...i hamtum all the memory verse down because i coudn't remember a think...the structured question was bleah...
took out the newspaper cutting of blenheim when he passed away...sigh...on top of his name was this verse..."Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"psalms 23:6 i suddenly felt again all the times we had gone through, all the jokes, all the one for all, all for one stuff...
the words in hold held so much meaning to my heart...the goodness of God and his mercy will surely be with me...this was so much an assurance to me that God will never ever leave me suffering so badly...God always has a reason..Blen's death is one reason why i still hold on to God...apart from God...i want to see u again kai...no way, i'm going to let go...not even for a thrillion dollars to forget God...see u soon...when my time is up...hang on everyone...the day is about to come...Live life to the fullest...treasuring, loving the people around u...
i realise that the simplest thigns in life is the rarest...many people enjoy the fun and happening life...but few are able to accept simple things in life....
take care everone...
remember, blessed is the man who is used by God...
this whole week i have 5 greulling exam papers...i must do well!! my gpa must hit a 3.5 this time...for the sake of my $20k/month salary in the future...i must do well!! please pray for me..
oh yes, i've been blading alone this few days..at bishan park...i din't know it can be quite relaxing, listening to my ipod while the cool wind at night just swerve pass...=) i'm going to try it at night at east coast one day... ;) i realise i've became lighter la! i was 72kg...and now i'm 69kg!
hmm...but i duno accurate or not because i weigh myself using those 40cents machine...which comes out a card with a phrase behind...
after exams...shopping all the way..no stopping me...=) oh yes..
today church was fine..took my test...i hamtum all the memory verse down because i coudn't remember a think...the structured question was bleah...
took out the newspaper cutting of blenheim when he passed away...sigh...on top of his name was this verse..."Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"psalms 23:6 i suddenly felt again all the times we had gone through, all the jokes, all the one for all, all for one stuff...
the words in hold held so much meaning to my heart...the goodness of God and his mercy will surely be with me...this was so much an assurance to me that God will never ever leave me suffering so badly...God always has a reason..Blen's death is one reason why i still hold on to God...apart from God...i want to see u again kai...no way, i'm going to let go...not even for a thrillion dollars to forget God...see u soon...when my time is up...hang on everyone...the day is about to come...Live life to the fullest...treasuring, loving the people around u...
i realise that the simplest thigns in life is the rarest...many people enjoy the fun and happening life...but few are able to accept simple things in life....
take care everone...
remember, blessed is the man who is used by God...
Monday, December 05, 2005
the road is long, but my heart will go on...
okie! it's been centuries since i last posted...i have no idea what to write already...
alot of sad thigns happen...=( just put all it behind me...
okie, anyway, i've decided to work extra harder for
my exams...because i heard that u must average a 3.5 gpa every semeseter
to secure a place in NUS...-_-!!! 3.5 leh...
natalie's birthday is coming, hope you'll like the present i bot u godsister! =)
it's nothing big...but still quite big la...
went orchard on saturday, with a whole group of gang...including a self invited "BETRAM LOO"...okok i shan't elaborate what he did...in case the ambulance come...
wanted to buy a shoe i saw online, i saw it at pacific plaza...but to my horror...it doesn't have my size...-__-...
okie my christmas wish list...
hmm...okok, i decided nt to write down...i shall see who knows me best...
who wants to do christmas shoppign with me??
alot of sad thigns happen...=( just put all it behind me...
okie, anyway, i've decided to work extra harder for
my exams...because i heard that u must average a 3.5 gpa every semeseter
to secure a place in NUS...-_-!!! 3.5 leh...
natalie's birthday is coming, hope you'll like the present i bot u godsister! =)
it's nothing big...but still quite big la...
went orchard on saturday, with a whole group of gang...including a self invited "BETRAM LOO"...okok i shan't elaborate what he did...in case the ambulance come...
wanted to buy a shoe i saw online, i saw it at pacific plaza...but to my horror...it doesn't have my size...-__-...
okie my christmas wish list...
hmm...okok, i decided nt to write down...i shall see who knows me best...
who wants to do christmas shoppign with me??
Sunday, November 27, 2005
reindeer pooper!
okie, i finally decided to type soemthign after so long of melting...
yesterday was blen's mum birthday, and we guys had bbq...lamb, beef, prawns, sting ray, salmon, fried rice, salad, chicken wings, and!! my fav...CRAB! i just love crab..
before i go on to say anything! believe it or not everyone..i fell down a hill...it was my regular and most convenient shortcut, but this time round, the owner decided to fence it up, and the smart me, thinking i was some bird, jumped over and tripped...and rolled don'n the hill...of course i bleed...
i just came back from pasa malam, could not get what i was looking for..=( so i bot myself a nice coconut...
okok, update tormow again
my eyes are shutting
take care, tocky
yesterday was blen's mum birthday, and we guys had bbq...lamb, beef, prawns, sting ray, salmon, fried rice, salad, chicken wings, and!! my fav...CRAB! i just love crab..
before i go on to say anything! believe it or not everyone..i fell down a hill...it was my regular and most convenient shortcut, but this time round, the owner decided to fence it up, and the smart me, thinking i was some bird, jumped over and tripped...and rolled don'n the hill...of course i bleed...
i just came back from pasa malam, could not get what i was looking for..=( so i bot myself a nice coconut...
okok, update tormow again
my eyes are shutting
take care, tocky
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Santa Clause!
i've been wanting to put back my song...but i'm too lazy...
went to ochard alone to walk around today after school....and yes
the christmas mood rekindle my heart again...soo many people today
guess it's because of the holidays...aww...
dun worry everyone! i'm fine... ;) i'm still breathing...ohyes,i've decided to change this blog skin it's too dull already...stay tune...
went to ochard alone to walk around today after school....and yes
the christmas mood rekindle my heart again...soo many people today
guess it's because of the holidays...aww...
dun worry everyone! i'm fine... ;) i'm still breathing...ohyes,i've decided to change this blog skin it's too dull already...stay tune...
Monday, November 21, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
go away!
i'm beggining to like fast and pumpy music...punk cover!
alot of people have been commenting that i have bad taste of songs...especially peng soon...
he says all my songs are old and sound so bad...and he would never listen to songs which i listen...
tell u what shawn...i dun care what u think....because, this is how i am, and this is what i like...
to everyone:
so what if i'm different, so what if i don't club, so what if i don't always drink alcohol, so what if u think my life is boring, so what if u think i'm the most pathetic guy, so what if i listen to christian songs...SO WHAT !! i don't give a crap whatever u guys think of me...because this is who i am...if u can't accept me for who i am...then just go away...
maple! thanks for the card...it was really nice..and i know u meant every word on the card...i hope that is not my christmas present....of i would jsut drop dead...thank u also for even giving me this opportunity to be your godbrother...you may not be my real sister...but i will always treat u like my little sister...i pray and hope this relationship will strenthen eachday...i'm glad i survived the jog with you...jog with u when i go again kie?
life is full of unexpected and saddening things, but it's all part of it...remember? there are always 2 sides in life...take care arh...
okie this had been in my heart for a super long time...and i'm just going to blurt everything out...alot of people have been telling me off..."since u know so much about relationships, why u never get yourself a girlfriend? " "why u talk so much about it, but u yurself don't have a gf" "are u chicken" "is it because u scared"
i won't give u my answers, because i feel it's not necessary...i dun care whatever u guys think...because i know the answers in my heart
guys..please stop cheating and playing with girls feelings...
alot of people have been commenting that i have bad taste of songs...especially peng soon...
he says all my songs are old and sound so bad...and he would never listen to songs which i listen...
tell u what shawn...i dun care what u think....because, this is how i am, and this is what i like...
to everyone:
so what if i'm different, so what if i don't club, so what if i don't always drink alcohol, so what if u think my life is boring, so what if u think i'm the most pathetic guy, so what if i listen to christian songs...SO WHAT !! i don't give a crap whatever u guys think of me...because this is who i am...if u can't accept me for who i am...then just go away...
maple! thanks for the card...it was really nice..and i know u meant every word on the card...i hope that is not my christmas present....of i would jsut drop dead...thank u also for even giving me this opportunity to be your godbrother...you may not be my real sister...but i will always treat u like my little sister...i pray and hope this relationship will strenthen eachday...i'm glad i survived the jog with you...jog with u when i go again kie?
life is full of unexpected and saddening things, but it's all part of it...remember? there are always 2 sides in life...take care arh...
okie this had been in my heart for a super long time...and i'm just going to blurt everything out...alot of people have been telling me off..."since u know so much about relationships, why u never get yourself a girlfriend? " "why u talk so much about it, but u yurself don't have a gf" "are u chicken" "is it because u scared"
i won't give u my answers, because i feel it's not necessary...i dun care whatever u guys think...because i know the answers in my heart
guys..please stop cheating and playing with girls feelings...
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
okie, i'm all alone in the computer lab doing my project in school..waiting for kien tat to passed me his hard disk...-_-.. though wednesday classes lasts for only 5hours...it's 5 hours of cauculations, more cauculations and even more cauculations... buisness students do more theory, and wished they had some hands on cauculations...whereas engineering students wants more theory because we have too much cauculations...sigh..
my sister is off to genting today with her friends...so lucky!! but well she deserve the trip la,
stress untill like that...tsk tsk....enjoy yourself pam! i have everythign necessary...except...hahaha...
was talking to my mum last night, i told her "when i'm outside, u siad why i always go out,
when i'm home, u ask me how come i keep using the computer" ...haha..then she added on "how i wished instead of calling me telling me you are in orchard, u tell me " mum, i'm in the library"
i laughed at said "wait long" haahaha....
okie, i have to start my work now..take care...
boring day...no movies =( everyone's busy =( no dvd =( no window shopping =(
my sister is off to genting today with her friends...so lucky!! but well she deserve the trip la,
stress untill like that...tsk tsk....enjoy yourself pam! i have everythign necessary...except...hahaha...
was talking to my mum last night, i told her "when i'm outside, u siad why i always go out,
when i'm home, u ask me how come i keep using the computer" ...haha..then she added on "how i wished instead of calling me telling me you are in orchard, u tell me " mum, i'm in the library"
i laughed at said "wait long" haahaha....
okie, i have to start my work now..take care...
boring day...no movies =( everyone's busy =( no dvd =( no window shopping =(
Monday, November 14, 2005
okie...looks like i can never go on a diet...i had 2 meals in school today...over my $1 budget by $3
i just can't bare to torture my bouncy tummy...i could almost hear it screaming for food today...
it's becoming rounder and soft..haha..it has a rippling effect when hit...imgaine..=)
okok, i shan't expose my assets...the choosen girl will have to discover it herself..hahaha..
i'm crazy..
and yes..i was watchign televition today again and i started dreaming...
i somehow like to watch those house makeover...i can just imagine myself designing and building my own dream house...by the sea of course..i'm going to have this nice warm jacuzzi outide the big garden, how nice to soak inside a hot tub with your love, looking at stars at night...then a nice barbeque pit, when the gang come, we can just chill, by the sea (of course our wifes will do the bbq) hahaha... in the bed room will be this super comfy and soft mega king size bed with comforters of course! it will be like super cozy and warm...haha...okok, i cannot share too much in case someone steal my idea...
tracy!-yes...say goodbye to the bouncy castle...the arnold "sworldsonager" is here..hahaha
your dream birthday is approaching... =)
maple-elton more important then your godbrother...u win...i jealous... -_-
phillane!- happy baptism!! rock on!
jun xiong-please i beg u...no more macdonalds...
qing shun-one life, one heart, shed blood not tears...to hold and never let lose...
kien tat- i hope u finally give the present to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...
jessican tan-you are the slowest girl i ever met in my entire life...u need 3 legs...
peter selvan-which cave did u went hiding again...
God bless,
i just can't bare to torture my bouncy tummy...i could almost hear it screaming for food today...
it's becoming rounder and soft..haha..it has a rippling effect when hit...imgaine..=)
okok, i shan't expose my assets...the choosen girl will have to discover it herself..hahaha..
i'm crazy..
and yes..i was watchign televition today again and i started dreaming...
i somehow like to watch those house makeover...i can just imagine myself designing and building my own dream house...by the sea of course..i'm going to have this nice warm jacuzzi outide the big garden, how nice to soak inside a hot tub with your love, looking at stars at night...then a nice barbeque pit, when the gang come, we can just chill, by the sea (of course our wifes will do the bbq) hahaha... in the bed room will be this super comfy and soft mega king size bed with comforters of course! it will be like super cozy and warm...haha...okok, i cannot share too much in case someone steal my idea...
tracy!-yes...say goodbye to the bouncy castle...the arnold "sworldsonager" is here..hahaha
your dream birthday is approaching... =)
maple-elton more important then your godbrother...u win...i jealous... -_-
phillane!- happy baptism!! rock on!
jun xiong-please i beg u...no more macdonalds...
qing shun-one life, one heart, shed blood not tears...to hold and never let lose...
kien tat- i hope u finally give the present to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...
jessican tan-you are the slowest girl i ever met in my entire life...u need 3 legs...
peter selvan-which cave did u went hiding again...
God bless,
Sunday, November 13, 2005
okie, finally i decided to upate my blog after so long, i was soo lazy...and with the influence of Tracy's blog...okie, i'm so excited for christmas...hohoho...i can feel it coming..
the cold and wet days...the smell of bacon and chesnut stuffing in turkey, the christmas tree, the foam snow, the songs and YES! the presents...this year i'm only giving to close freinds...of course, very special few will have an additional presents hahaha...start savign! believe it or not, i'm goign to sacrifice my beautiful tummy...i'm only going to spend $1 a day on food in school...before u know it...i'll have a strong and muscular body....=)
was having lunch the other day in school, i pause for a moment before i begin eating...my friend suddenly shouted " don't tell me you praying? " and he started laughing....
i was quite affected by it...i'm quite upset that some people being a christian themselves would actauly spike me, thought i'm not very sensative to this kind of thigns but i believe there should always be a line drawn..arh..okie i feel better now after saying it out..haha
pamela went to hong kong...and there's no one to gossip with me about church now..hahha
i know it's bad...but gossip is really fun Most of the times..haha
the verse of the day for me today was "everythign is permissible for me, but not everything is good" there are many thigns we are given the decision to make...God can't stop us...but we msut make sure it doesn't harm us...=)
arghhi wanted to ttype more..but my eyes are shutting...update otmrow
take care~
the cold and wet days...the smell of bacon and chesnut stuffing in turkey, the christmas tree, the foam snow, the songs and YES! the presents...this year i'm only giving to close freinds...of course, very special few will have an additional presents hahaha...start savign! believe it or not, i'm goign to sacrifice my beautiful tummy...i'm only going to spend $1 a day on food in school...before u know it...i'll have a strong and muscular body....=)
was having lunch the other day in school, i pause for a moment before i begin eating...my friend suddenly shouted " don't tell me you praying? " and he started laughing....
i was quite affected by it...i'm quite upset that some people being a christian themselves would actauly spike me, thought i'm not very sensative to this kind of thigns but i believe there should always be a line drawn..arh..okie i feel better now after saying it out..haha
pamela went to hong kong...and there's no one to gossip with me about church now..hahha
i know it's bad...but gossip is really fun Most of the times..haha
the verse of the day for me today was "everythign is permissible for me, but not everything is good" there are many thigns we are given the decision to make...God can't stop us...but we msut make sure it doesn't harm us...=)
arghhi wanted to ttype more..but my eyes are shutting...update otmrow
take care~
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Dearest Brother...
dear qing shun, sorry if i've been neglecting you...but believe me i felt the distance months ago...
that explains why i kept going to see u at the stall the chat with you...because i knew if i didn't, our friendship would drag apart...most of the time you are working and i assumed u did not have time to go out, that's why i din't bothered to ask u..i'm sorry...i know u won't bother listening to my explaination or perhaps won't believe me...and you are very sad and very angry...but i hope u will not put this 6 over years of friendship into stake...i
i promise u, it's not about religion...we always respected each other religion...and i believe religion should never be at the centre of our friendship...i respect yours...and i know from the beginning u had always respected mine...thanks for sharing whats in your heart..
it's this things in life that we experience in our frinedship which holds us together...i hope you are willing to give this friendship another go...in the gang, u are the closest to me after blenheim..catch up with your very soon...
with love,
that explains why i kept going to see u at the stall the chat with you...because i knew if i didn't, our friendship would drag apart...most of the time you are working and i assumed u did not have time to go out, that's why i din't bothered to ask u..i'm sorry...i know u won't bother listening to my explaination or perhaps won't believe me...and you are very sad and very angry...but i hope u will not put this 6 over years of friendship into stake...i
i promise u, it's not about religion...we always respected each other religion...and i believe religion should never be at the centre of our friendship...i respect yours...and i know from the beginning u had always respected mine...thanks for sharing whats in your heart..
it's this things in life that we experience in our frinedship which holds us together...i hope you are willing to give this friendship another go...in the gang, u are the closest to me after blenheim..catch up with your very soon...
with love,
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
i'm Lovin It...
sorry to take so long to update...there seems to be soemthign wrong with my keyboard,
i can't type!! i have to use my sis laptop to update my blog, which can be frustrating at times...
i somehow have inspiration to write only when using my own keyboard...=P
oh yes before i forget! let me wish all my muslim friends and indian friends! Selemat Hari Raya
and Happy Deepavalli !!! hohoho..peter selvan...becasue it's deepavalli...i forgive you for *TREATING*
went wakeboarding yesterday! and it was very fun!! i finally know how to move left and right of the boat...
hah~ =) i lurve the sea...so nice to just be soaked in it...will post the pictures when i get it from tracy..
so just be VERY VERY patient...hah!
today went to sean's house to have dinner..what a wide spread! prawns, steam fish, brocolli with
mushrooms, mixed vegetables with scallop, hairy melon, chicken wings, ma po tofu, dou miao...
still ahve fruits...my beautiful tummy almost exploded...okie..i better not share with u all what maple
did after dinner...in case she hamtum me..haha oh yes!
blen dad is going to teach us power boating..i guess none of the gang is interested because none of them is into sea sports..
so i guess i'll go learn alone from him already..blen dad also told me he can train me to be a power
boat insturctor...that is so cool...i've always dreamt of driving a boat with my future wife out to the sea
to have a candle light dinner..haha...with this powerboat license i can also drive jet ski...
my goodness..this is so exciting..how nice if my dream house is by the sea and have a boat
just out the garden...okie..back to earth..study hard...-_- and start saving!
my life is no way but the highway..haha...
another crazy news! me and my friend will be representing singapore poly
in "The Singapore River Raft Race 2006" haha...we are currently looking for sponsors for the build up
of the raft and price money if we win..for that we will advertise on our boat..=)
please support me!!! =) any of your parents or friends parents interested in publicising...
their company...dun hesitate to call me..=)
life is so precious...alot of us dun realise it till it's too late...take care everyone...
in the end, i want to be standing, at the beggining with you...
i can't type!! i have to use my sis laptop to update my blog, which can be frustrating at times...
i somehow have inspiration to write only when using my own keyboard...=P
oh yes before i forget! let me wish all my muslim friends and indian friends! Selemat Hari Raya
and Happy Deepavalli !!! hohoho..peter selvan...becasue it's deepavalli...i forgive you for *TREATING*
went wakeboarding yesterday! and it was very fun!! i finally know how to move left and right of the boat...
hah~ =) i lurve the sea...so nice to just be soaked in it...will post the pictures when i get it from tracy..
so just be VERY VERY patient...hah!
today went to sean's house to have dinner..what a wide spread! prawns, steam fish, brocolli with
mushrooms, mixed vegetables with scallop, hairy melon, chicken wings, ma po tofu, dou miao...
still ahve fruits...my beautiful tummy almost exploded...okie..i better not share with u all what maple
did after dinner...in case she hamtum me..haha oh yes!
blen dad is going to teach us power boating..i guess none of the gang is interested because none of them is into sea sports..
so i guess i'll go learn alone from him already..blen dad also told me he can train me to be a power
boat insturctor...that is so cool...i've always dreamt of driving a boat with my future wife out to the sea
to have a candle light dinner..haha...with this powerboat license i can also drive jet ski...
my goodness..this is so exciting..how nice if my dream house is by the sea and have a boat
just out the garden...okie..back to earth..study hard...-_- and start saving!
my life is no way but the highway..haha...
another crazy news! me and my friend will be representing singapore poly
in "The Singapore River Raft Race 2006" haha...we are currently looking for sponsors for the build up
of the raft and price money if we win..for that we will advertise on our boat..=)
please support me!!! =) any of your parents or friends parents interested in publicising...
their company...dun hesitate to call me..=)
life is so precious...alot of us dun realise it till it's too late...take care everyone...
in the end, i want to be standing, at the beggining with you...
Sunday, October 30, 2005
the meaning of treat...
church today was okay..had urshering duty...i'm beginning to like urshering..
it's during this time when i get to know little secrets of our church...hahaha.
especially alter call...the one whom i talked abt this to better keep quiet...hahaha
pastor was sharing with us today, how do we know that we sin?
simple! out consious will trouble us when we sin...sin neither bless you nor
give u joy and happiness...so if u know you are sinning, stop it! or at least try..
nothing is impossible through christ who strengthens me...remember that!
"have u ever taked to God above? tell him that you need a friend to love..
PRAY and BELIEVING, that God answers pray...on a lofty mountain peak his there,
by the meadow by a stream his there, everywhere on earth you go, his been there
from the start..."
Remember everyone! "we do not have to pay to sin, but when we sin, we have to pay"
a person who really cares for you, dares to share with you the truth, doesn't always agree
with you, and is responsible to God and you...dare to open up, and speak right to your heart..
someone who will stick by you no matter what happens..treasure them! this people are
like limited edition...its like finding a needle in a hay stack...
okie so that's all about church...wiat! before i go on to my next topic..i must complain abt
lunch, i had vietnamese seafood fried rice today at great world city...and i rate is 1/10..
seafood fried rice = standard fried rice + 3 baby sotongs...and 2 misearble shrimps...
i so have to blog about this...suppose to meet PETER SELVAN at orchard today at 6pm...
he was an hour late...and poor me had to stand and wait for his grand appearance..
he was late, and could still sashay through the mrt gates smiling at me..
okie, i'm not going to tell u all what i did to him...in case u guys call the police..
next complain...peter selvan said his going to treat me dinner...and brought me to coffee club
and to my horror..he did not have enough money to pay for the food...
how on earth did this happen..i have no idea..please ask him....said want to treat me
and did not have money to pay...please enligntened me everyone...did the meaning of a treat change? i tot it was something like i don't have to come out any money? peter next day i ^TREAT^ u crystal jade..i treat u okie? but i don't bring money..
schools starting in a few hours..projects again, test, lecture, tutorials...practicals...and my horrifying gems which i don't even dare to read out the module name because i'm alienfied by it...God..help me..
with love,
it's during this time when i get to know little secrets of our church...hahaha.
especially alter call...the one whom i talked abt this to better keep quiet...hahaha
pastor was sharing with us today, how do we know that we sin?
simple! out consious will trouble us when we sin...sin neither bless you nor
give u joy and happiness...so if u know you are sinning, stop it! or at least try..
nothing is impossible through christ who strengthens me...remember that!
"have u ever taked to God above? tell him that you need a friend to love..
PRAY and BELIEVING, that God answers pray...on a lofty mountain peak his there,
by the meadow by a stream his there, everywhere on earth you go, his been there
from the start..."
Remember everyone! "we do not have to pay to sin, but when we sin, we have to pay"
a person who really cares for you, dares to share with you the truth, doesn't always agree
with you, and is responsible to God and you...dare to open up, and speak right to your heart..
someone who will stick by you no matter what happens..treasure them! this people are
like limited edition...its like finding a needle in a hay stack...
okie so that's all about church...wiat! before i go on to my next topic..i must complain abt
lunch, i had vietnamese seafood fried rice today at great world city...and i rate is 1/10..
seafood fried rice = standard fried rice + 3 baby sotongs...and 2 misearble shrimps...
i so have to blog about this...suppose to meet PETER SELVAN at orchard today at 6pm...
he was an hour late...and poor me had to stand and wait for his grand appearance..
he was late, and could still sashay through the mrt gates smiling at me..
okie, i'm not going to tell u all what i did to him...in case u guys call the police..
next complain...peter selvan said his going to treat me dinner...and brought me to coffee club
and to my horror..he did not have enough money to pay for the food...
how on earth did this happen..i have no idea..please ask him....said want to treat me
and did not have money to pay...please enligntened me everyone...did the meaning of a treat change? i tot it was something like i don't have to come out any money? peter next day i ^TREAT^ u crystal jade..i treat u okie? but i don't bring money..
schools starting in a few hours..projects again, test, lecture, tutorials...practicals...and my horrifying gems which i don't even dare to read out the module name because i'm alienfied by it...God..help me..
with love,
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Love is never enough
friday...was like another bad memory came to life.. Tasha had stroke, and my mum and i sent her to animal hospital immidiately...i was so sad...she was hospitalised...couldn't stand properly,
and kept falling down..we had to carry her...
i was so angry while waiting for taxi to bring us to the hospital...here we have a poor dog who has stroke, and every taxi driver refuse to pick us up. Why why why! i'm so angry with taxi drivers! do u guys have a heart!!! in times of emergency like this...okie u might scared the dog stain your taxi...but come on...a life is at stake...why are u taxi drivers so heartless! what can a small animal do to you taxi? bite your chair off? please show some love to this animals...
in this of emergency like this, how are we pet owners going to bring our dog to the nearest clinic? come on...we are labbelled as a clean and green singapore! so what! where is the love may i ask... love spins the world...i'm not saying all taxi drivers are like that, but most are...but thank God for one kind taxi driver who picked us up..i pray God will bless u abundantly...
okie, tasha is hospitalised and under observation, she must get well...went to visit her today, she responded to our commands..but still cound't walk..poor girl..her cage was the only one decorated coz we din't wanted her to feel lonlely, brought her best friend-"a soft toy shark" and her heart shape pillow which she always rest her head on...tasha is like super old already...14 years dog age..which is equilevent 84 human years...like a grandmother already...i'm so saddened to see her in a cage...though she's only a dog, but it's like part of the family...it's like someone is missing every time i wake up in the morning, no one to harass me for food, no one to disturb me to bring her down...no one to remind me to give dinner...
this brings me to my same old phrase "please treasure the things around you" love is never enough, there are no boundaries when loving someone...we love and are willing to sacrifice...
we love because that someone is close to our hearts...i love, because...i want it to be part of me..
like and love are totally different things...we like with our minds, but we love with our hearts..
went to orchard to walk around AGAIN...since school's starting...shared a string ray with kien tat for dinner...then went to try erm...i forgot what ice cream...have some sniker balls inside..
hah...okie, that's all! another lonely day had passed...
God bless,
and kept falling down..we had to carry her...
i was so angry while waiting for taxi to bring us to the hospital...here we have a poor dog who has stroke, and every taxi driver refuse to pick us up. Why why why! i'm so angry with taxi drivers! do u guys have a heart!!! in times of emergency like this...okie u might scared the dog stain your taxi...but come on...a life is at stake...why are u taxi drivers so heartless! what can a small animal do to you taxi? bite your chair off? please show some love to this animals...
in this of emergency like this, how are we pet owners going to bring our dog to the nearest clinic? come on...we are labbelled as a clean and green singapore! so what! where is the love may i ask... love spins the world...i'm not saying all taxi drivers are like that, but most are...but thank God for one kind taxi driver who picked us up..i pray God will bless u abundantly...
okie, tasha is hospitalised and under observation, she must get well...went to visit her today, she responded to our commands..but still cound't walk..poor girl..her cage was the only one decorated coz we din't wanted her to feel lonlely, brought her best friend-"a soft toy shark" and her heart shape pillow which she always rest her head on...tasha is like super old already...14 years dog age..which is equilevent 84 human years...like a grandmother already...i'm so saddened to see her in a cage...though she's only a dog, but it's like part of the family...it's like someone is missing every time i wake up in the morning, no one to harass me for food, no one to disturb me to bring her down...no one to remind me to give dinner...
this brings me to my same old phrase "please treasure the things around you" love is never enough, there are no boundaries when loving someone...we love and are willing to sacrifice...
we love because that someone is close to our hearts...i love, because...i want it to be part of me..
like and love are totally different things...we like with our minds, but we love with our hearts..
went to orchard to walk around AGAIN...since school's starting...shared a string ray with kien tat for dinner...then went to try erm...i forgot what ice cream...have some sniker balls inside..
hah...okie, that's all! another lonely day had passed...
God bless,
Thursday, October 27, 2005
The christmas mood...
okie everyone! i'm here to blog again..while waiting for miss pamela to get her EZ link card from me to go work...tsk tsk..on wednesday...went to wala wala..with everyone! blen's dad, mum maple...etc..nice place...not as smoky as some other pubs...
supposed to have dinner with maple, but flew her aeroplane coz i had to register gems for the gang..then rush down...maple, when u come back yar? =) hope u like the ORIGINAL brikenstock...=)
from young i have very sensative nose, everytime i smell smoke, my nose will just block up, i get very hot tempered and i will just sneeze all the way...haha..so yes...my furture wife better not smoke or else the whole house will be chaotic...hah
so yes, wala wala, had escargo, pizza, fries, sausages...the escargo was really good but very very ex..okie everyone i so have to tell u this! the drink of the day was "banana cow" there are only 2 possibilities why this drink is made... 1- the guy has no sense of taste... 2 the guy's "sick"
it taste perfectly like cough medicine...after dirnking it, i somehow felt immune to sickness...
so if unothign better to drink..i suggest the life changing ----banana cow! i never tried so many types at once before..and the result..headache...anyway congratulations to kien tat who broke his pledge never to drink alcohol..but drank a cup of lychee martini...
for those underage, please dun go this type of places to drink...we are all legal age..and we drank it just for fun..and are not addicted...
okie, i'ver distributed most of my presents, tracy's goodybag, jun xiong kientat and qingshun's ORIGINAL joe boxers, maple's ORIGINAL brikenstock, I so love my ORIGINAL quiksilver shirt, ORIGINAL gucchi, and ORIGINAL fossil watch =)) not forgetting my ORIGINAL polo sport perfume...qingshun, thanks for the stuff u gave me from malaysia...u make me feel guilty that i just bot u one boxers...hah
was walking around orchard as usual yesterday..begin to see all the christimas decorations being put up...christmas tree, bells, nice!!! and not forgetting sales! i love christmas, it's a time of giving again...=) i'm beggining to feel the love again..haha.the warmth! please everyone...no shared presents..hahaha...individual presents will very much be appreciated...
take care!
supposed to have dinner with maple, but flew her aeroplane coz i had to register gems for the gang..then rush down...maple, when u come back yar? =) hope u like the ORIGINAL brikenstock...=)
from young i have very sensative nose, everytime i smell smoke, my nose will just block up, i get very hot tempered and i will just sneeze all the way...haha..so yes...my furture wife better not smoke or else the whole house will be chaotic...hah
so yes, wala wala, had escargo, pizza, fries, sausages...the escargo was really good but very very ex..okie everyone i so have to tell u this! the drink of the day was "banana cow" there are only 2 possibilities why this drink is made... 1- the guy has no sense of taste... 2 the guy's "sick"
it taste perfectly like cough medicine...after dirnking it, i somehow felt immune to sickness...
so if unothign better to drink..i suggest the life changing ----banana cow! i never tried so many types at once before..and the result..headache...anyway congratulations to kien tat who broke his pledge never to drink alcohol..but drank a cup of lychee martini...
for those underage, please dun go this type of places to drink...we are all legal age..and we drank it just for fun..and are not addicted...
okie, i'ver distributed most of my presents, tracy's goodybag, jun xiong kientat and qingshun's ORIGINAL joe boxers, maple's ORIGINAL brikenstock, I so love my ORIGINAL quiksilver shirt, ORIGINAL gucchi, and ORIGINAL fossil watch =)) not forgetting my ORIGINAL polo sport perfume...qingshun, thanks for the stuff u gave me from malaysia...u make me feel guilty that i just bot u one boxers...hah
was walking around orchard as usual yesterday..begin to see all the christimas decorations being put up...christmas tree, bells, nice!!! and not forgetting sales! i love christmas, it's a time of giving again...=) i'm beggining to feel the love again..haha.the warmth! please everyone...no shared presents..hahaha...individual presents will very much be appreciated...
take care!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
the big bouncy tummy
went to watch free movie today..."domino" my verdict...5 popcorn...tracy gave it 3...
so...everyone...dun watch it unless it's free...=)) the theatre have like super hard seats
and the drink holder is placed in front of u...comfort is 3/10....
i just realise that my tummy is grow bigger everyday..it's becoming more like a bolster now
it's time to do some exercise!!!! roller blading! cycling!! snorkelling!!!
...i miss thailand..i'm starting to miss the bargaining, the cheap food...and the simple yet happy life those people had... in singapore...no way u can have a nice full meal with $2...
and no way u can slash prices by half when shopping...in singapore, slash a dollar and the salesman will chase you out...
my room is like a store room now...all the presents waiting to be distributed..haha..=)
okie shall blog again...i'm going to hibernate now..take care...
God bless,
so...everyone...dun watch it unless it's free...=)) the theatre have like super hard seats
and the drink holder is placed in front of u...comfort is 3/10....
i just realise that my tummy is grow bigger everyday..it's becoming more like a bolster now
it's time to do some exercise!!!! roller blading! cycling!! snorkelling!!!
...i miss thailand..i'm starting to miss the bargaining, the cheap food...and the simple yet happy life those people had... in singapore...no way u can have a nice full meal with $2...
and no way u can slash prices by half when shopping...in singapore, slash a dollar and the salesman will chase you out...
my room is like a store room now...all the presents waiting to be distributed..haha..=)
okie shall blog again...i'm going to hibernate now..take care...
God bless,
Monday, October 24, 2005
home is where the love is...
yes everyone!!! i've bounced back to Singapore Safely =)) lalala...i have so much things
to say, so please bare with me...i know everone misses me rite?? =) hah
let me do a summary of what happen in bangkok...if u want to know more ask me! haha
first day, we were greeted by the tour guide, and he recommended us to watch "tiger show"
and "gay world show" for those who don't know what's that...please just ignore it...hotel wasreally good...breakast buffet was average...and yes..i so have to say this...everyday, we got
approached by taxi drivers, tutu drivers and SECURITY GUARDS...to go for *massage...
and yes...their massage meant having *** with local girls...they have this brochure with them..
which have pictures of really sexy girls posing...and they go around asking tourist like us
"want want? cheap cheap? very good" sigh...what a world...sat the tutu...for me, it' s more of a
roller coaster...this is what he did, drove against the traffic, cut through in and out of buildings,
horns his way through traffic, dash through humps on the road, turns at last minute...and not
forgetting...the "brochure"...did alot alot alot of shopping, chatuchak, mbk, and many more...
slash prices like mad...bought many presents...=)) the more presents means the more i love you...
so if u never recieve anything...i hate u..=) simple as that...hahaha...oh yes! we went to watch movie
it only cost like $4 to catch a movie...and it was super comfy in the cinema...the best cinema
i've been too...and something that u won't believe....in bangkok, before every movie starts,
everyone have to stand to attention in the cinema in respect for the king, it shows a short clip about
3 minutes on the King and thailand...imagine the unity and the patroitic hearts of the people...tsk tsk
tried tomyam, and SOME street food..thought the hygene can't be compared to singapore's..
but well..it was tasty..haha...yup..oh yes oh yes!! taxi's in bangkok is soooo cheap i tell u...
if i ever live there...i will take taxi to school everyday...for a 30mins ride..it doesn't even cost
more then $4...that's how cheap it is...food..a big plate of fried rice and a bottle of coke..is only $2..
though everything there is imitation..but well, if it's comfortable..why now ritE? hahaha
billions of dvd's sold at almost every corner of the streets...and yes of course i saw like a thrillion
tranxs..gays...and whatever u call them...lady's boy...or soemthing...so that's about all
in thailand...=) take care everyone...will share more ya? and will post come pics online...then i'm
not so lazy...
miss everyone,
take care,
to say, so please bare with me...i know everone misses me rite?? =) hah
let me do a summary of what happen in bangkok...if u want to know more ask me! haha
first day, we were greeted by the tour guide, and he recommended us to watch "tiger show"
and "gay world show" for those who don't know what's that...please just ignore it...hotel wasreally good...breakast buffet was average...and yes..i so have to say this...everyday, we got
approached by taxi drivers, tutu drivers and SECURITY GUARDS...to go for *massage...
and yes...their massage meant having *** with local girls...they have this brochure with them..
which have pictures of really sexy girls posing...and they go around asking tourist like us
"want want? cheap cheap? very good" sigh...what a world...sat the tutu...for me, it' s more of a
roller coaster...this is what he did, drove against the traffic, cut through in and out of buildings,
horns his way through traffic, dash through humps on the road, turns at last minute...and not
forgetting...the "brochure"...did alot alot alot of shopping, chatuchak, mbk, and many more...
slash prices like mad...bought many presents...=)) the more presents means the more i love you...
so if u never recieve anything...i hate u..=) simple as that...hahaha...oh yes! we went to watch movie
it only cost like $4 to catch a movie...and it was super comfy in the cinema...the best cinema
i've been too...and something that u won't believe....in bangkok, before every movie starts,
everyone have to stand to attention in the cinema in respect for the king, it shows a short clip about
3 minutes on the King and thailand...imagine the unity and the patroitic hearts of the people...tsk tsk
tried tomyam, and SOME street food..thought the hygene can't be compared to singapore's..
but well..it was tasty..haha...yup..oh yes oh yes!! taxi's in bangkok is soooo cheap i tell u...
if i ever live there...i will take taxi to school everyday...for a 30mins ride..it doesn't even cost
more then $4...that's how cheap it is...food..a big plate of fried rice and a bottle of coke..is only $2..
though everything there is imitation..but well, if it's comfortable..why now ritE? hahaha
billions of dvd's sold at almost every corner of the streets...and yes of course i saw like a thrillion
tranxs..gays...and whatever u call them...lady's boy...or soemthing...so that's about all
in thailand...=) take care everyone...will share more ya? and will post come pics online...then i'm
not so lazy...
miss everyone,
take care,
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
u guys will never believed what i did today... went to get my travel insurance and change money for my trip... was at paradiz centre alone, and decided to find qing shun at tangs market (working) so yup..believe it or not i walked all the way to tangs... of course with my i-pod stuck into my ears...so so lonely...thankfully no bird droppings on me this time... on the way, i bot mcflurry for myself and qing shun...yes i qia him...weather is too hot to resists ice cream... first time in my life i bought mcflurry...it's too sweet...chatted with qing shun...for like an hour... and
waiting for tracy!!! to reply my msg...
maple, dun be dissapointed allright? try harder and do better... everytime we fail, we must get back to our feet...that's the most important lesson in life... like me and the gang and your brother...in normal academic stream last time, we face sooo many challenges...people despise us, teacher's coundn't care less thinking we can't make it in life...friends from other classes look down on us...but we kept trying...who cares if everyone thinks we can't make it..as long as u tried your best...and u try...u can do it maple =) jia you...try harder...all is not lost...life is more then this...
in 8 and a half hours times is our results... "reap what you sow" all the best everyone...
going sentosa tomorow i hope nobody flies aeroplane tomrow...
just as i promise...congratulations phillane cheng for passing your projects!
take care everyone...life is precious..
waiting for tracy!!! to reply my msg...
maple, dun be dissapointed allright? try harder and do better... everytime we fail, we must get back to our feet...that's the most important lesson in life... like me and the gang and your brother...in normal academic stream last time, we face sooo many challenges...people despise us, teacher's coundn't care less thinking we can't make it in life...friends from other classes look down on us...but we kept trying...who cares if everyone thinks we can't make it..as long as u tried your best...and u try...u can do it maple =) jia you...try harder...all is not lost...life is more then this...
in 8 and a half hours times is our results... "reap what you sow" all the best everyone...
going sentosa tomorow i hope nobody flies aeroplane tomrow...
just as i promise...congratulations phillane cheng for passing your projects!
take care everyone...life is precious..
Monday, October 17, 2005
No money Not Funny
just came back home from work...what a tough day... as usual the auntie there nagged
at us - part timers non-stop...i wonder where she got those energy..
the next time i go, i'm so sure i'm bringing ear plugs... and yes! today we were packing
sunkist juices...the 2 litre ones!!! my goodness... remember everyone... behind every sunkist
bottle juice u buy...there is a group of nut case like me ensuring there's expire date, cap is tightened
properly and it is packed nicely... just imagine...lifting and packing these huge and heavey 2litre bottles
into a box...to let u guys have a rough estimate...how fast and how long we are suppose to pack...
the machine makes 48 bottles every minute...that means...we have only 1.25 seconds...to lift one 2litre bottle
up and put in into a box...okie..so now imagine...8 hours...my POOR...hands...my poor feet...and my poor
tummy...which keep bouncing on the conveyor belt as i lift the bottles...i hope my arm muscles dun turn into
6 packs....i can't imgaine people working there full time...Lord..help them...
i am so determine to get my degree whenever i work at this kind of places...hah..parents! want your children
to understand the imporatance of money? send them to factory and work...my goodness...i gurantee u, it will
change their life...hahaha... ;)
take care!
at us - part timers non-stop...i wonder where she got those energy..
the next time i go, i'm so sure i'm bringing ear plugs... and yes! today we were packing
sunkist juices...the 2 litre ones!!! my goodness... remember everyone... behind every sunkist
bottle juice u buy...there is a group of nut case like me ensuring there's expire date, cap is tightened
properly and it is packed nicely... just imagine...lifting and packing these huge and heavey 2litre bottles
into a box...to let u guys have a rough estimate...how fast and how long we are suppose to pack...
the machine makes 48 bottles every minute...that means...we have only 1.25 seconds...to lift one 2litre bottle
up and put in into a box...okie..so now imagine...8 hours...my POOR...hands...my poor feet...and my poor
tummy...which keep bouncing on the conveyor belt as i lift the bottles...i hope my arm muscles dun turn into
6 packs....i can't imgaine people working there full time...Lord..help them...
i am so determine to get my degree whenever i work at this kind of places...hah..parents! want your children
to understand the imporatance of money? send them to factory and work...my goodness...i gurantee u, it will
change their life...hahaha... ;)
take care!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
okie,i finally decided to type another post..haha..went to watch four brothers on friday...rate it 6.5 popcorns...and for the first time in my life..i was the earliest, waiting for everyoen to come...
saturday went to water festival 2005...moutain bike performance...jet ski rides..and yes! not forgetting wakeboarding performance by some U.K professonal wakeboarder...it was amazing..
he was like flying all over the place...and landing perfectly...tsk tsk... i shall learn it all! haha after church today went to far east to walk walk...and did some shopping! ;) shhhh..
okie everyone my bangkok trip is confirmed...no more shopping list accepted...i think i have to pay for extra weight already haha...departing from red dot at 9.20am terminal 1 and arriving 2.55pm on monday...take care!!!
for those who did not give me thier shopping list..dun worry...u have 2 choices...keychain or pen.. =) i'm sooo nice...okie...gd nite!
saturday went to water festival 2005...moutain bike performance...jet ski rides..and yes! not forgetting wakeboarding performance by some U.K professonal wakeboarder...it was amazing..
he was like flying all over the place...and landing perfectly...tsk tsk... i shall learn it all! haha after church today went to far east to walk walk...and did some shopping! ;) shhhh..
okie everyone my bangkok trip is confirmed...no more shopping list accepted...i think i have to pay for extra weight already haha...departing from red dot at 9.20am terminal 1 and arriving 2.55pm on monday...take care!!!
for those who did not give me thier shopping list..dun worry...u have 2 choices...keychain or pen.. =) i'm sooo nice...okie...gd nite!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
i'm back!!! i know everone misses me..haha =) i shall start on sunday..
haha..after church went straight home packed my stuff for the chalet..
then went to blen's house to get the car...together with neo and qing shun,
we went to pick up blen's mum and dad from the airport.
reached there early, and both neo and qing shun had burger king...and of course
i kope some..haha..so then blen's dad took over the car and drove us to the chalet..
when we reached there it was almost 11pm...so there was nothing much we
could do other then some house keeping..played cards and watch the vampire show..
2nd day was the most exciting of all...i gave everyone morning call...=) how nice of me...
went swimming...sun tanned, then went to white sands to have lunch and bot food
for the steamboat and teppenyaki...not long, hui hua, qianhui and gary came...played
jenga which i lost 4 times in a row...dun asked me what i did for forfiet because it's not
for the weak hearted..it's either i'm that lousy, or they cheated...then played
twister...tracy came and we started the steamboat...it was delicious =)) haha..
first time in my life i had steamboat and teppenyaki in a chalet...the food was simply
delicious...we had watermelon for dessert..and dear tracy did not sliced the watermelon
she chopped it...we have trapezium shapes, prymaid shape...and many more...hahaha
took tons of pictures after that...then played games which they saboed me...did
a belly and butt dance..i was drunk by the steamboat okie...i was traumatised by myself
for doign it...If they upload it online which i have a strong feeling they would...i'm a goner..=)
it was quite late already, then the girls went home...
nexy day, it was suppose to be antoher steam boat day, but so many people fly us aeroplane
so we decided to abondoned the chalet...i passed the key to qing shun in orchard..coz his taking
over today...wen tto watch four brothers...i rate it 7 popcorns..nt bad show..haha =)
shall update soon again..i'm soo tired...oh yes everyone! i'm going bangkok next week... =)
*tracy..u haven passed me the list...hahaha...
gd night!, tocky
haha..after church went straight home packed my stuff for the chalet..
then went to blen's house to get the car...together with neo and qing shun,
we went to pick up blen's mum and dad from the airport.
reached there early, and both neo and qing shun had burger king...and of course
i kope some..haha..so then blen's dad took over the car and drove us to the chalet..
when we reached there it was almost 11pm...so there was nothing much we
could do other then some house keeping..played cards and watch the vampire show..
2nd day was the most exciting of all...i gave everyone morning call...=) how nice of me...
went swimming...sun tanned, then went to white sands to have lunch and bot food
for the steamboat and teppenyaki...not long, hui hua, qianhui and gary came...played
jenga which i lost 4 times in a row...dun asked me what i did for forfiet because it's not
for the weak hearted..it's either i'm that lousy, or they cheated...then played
twister...tracy came and we started the steamboat...it was delicious =)) haha..
first time in my life i had steamboat and teppenyaki in a chalet...the food was simply
delicious...we had watermelon for dessert..and dear tracy did not sliced the watermelon
she chopped it...we have trapezium shapes, prymaid shape...and many more...hahaha
took tons of pictures after that...then played games which they saboed me...did
a belly and butt dance..i was drunk by the steamboat okie...i was traumatised by myself
for doign it...If they upload it online which i have a strong feeling they would...i'm a goner..=)
it was quite late already, then the girls went home...
nexy day, it was suppose to be antoher steam boat day, but so many people fly us aeroplane
so we decided to abondoned the chalet...i passed the key to qing shun in orchard..coz his taking
over today...wen tto watch four brothers...i rate it 7 popcorns..nt bad show..haha =)
shall update soon again..i'm soo tired...oh yes everyone! i'm going bangkok next week... =)
*tracy..u haven passed me the list...hahaha...
gd night!, tocky
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Let the PARTY begin!!!!!
yesyes qian hui, it will be a crazy chalet...and the food is so going to be like crystal jade quality...hahaha...best of all...my steam boat comes with the teppenyaki thingy..so we have a choice... steam it or grill it...heh..=) went to sentosa with the gang today...and my goodness it was crazy..though it rain a little..but that din't stop us! it's like the best weather to play but not to sun tan...haha..like i always said...it's not where or when we go..but who we are out with that makes it fun..=)) okie...so our chalet is tomrow...and it's going to be so exciting...first night _ _ _ _ express... & W _ _ _ Peter2nd night _ _ _ _ _ show... & Mini _ _ _3rd night have in there game..lolx..fill it in yourself! i can't expose the itenery...pls take note..to all that is going to the chalet...bring your own protective gear...i have to bring all my memory card to take pictures!!! haha..we are goign to play twisters, jenga, pictionary and many more!!! and best of all...it's a BUNGALOW...this is so crazy...take care everyone!!!
Take care,tocky
Take care,tocky
Thursday, October 06, 2005
trees, fishes, birds..
hmm...where shall i start...u guys must be dying to read my blog..hahaha =)
let's start from wednesday...woke up super early to meet phillane for breakfast at thomsom macdonals...and yes she treated me to hotcakes...then when to her house to watch
AMZING RACE...don't be cheated by her big television at home...it's spoilt...she uses this mini tv like half the size of an A4 paper...*phillane dad is no longer in the prawn buisness, so no more lobster size prawns for bbq anymore =(..okie..then met up the guys to collect our pay at
ubin seafood restaurant...then went to blen's home to stay overnight...had supper as usual...
rotijohn, mutabak, rotiplata...then played card thru-out the night...haha..please do not expose my superb body! hahaha...and yes...neo and me shared a same bed..haha...
thursday..went to have lunch at the foodcourt at wisma...very nice atmosphere there...open
not long ago i think...very kampong style...warm atmosphere...hah...at night went to blens hosue again...to teach maple maths..hope she does well...=) maple if u are reading this...haha..try your best yar? remember if duno the question, skip and move on...dun worry =)
friday...this day i can never ever ever ever forget in my life....first of all..i met peter at suntec...went to watch movie with him..yurp..just the 2 of us...i'm not telling what show we watched...but i don't encouraged anyone to watch..hahaha...peter loves this movie...felt so funny going out with peter becauase it's usually blen me and peter..and we would like bully peter all the way...but now it's only me..felt something missing..anyway..meet kien tat, in town..then joined by qingshun and stephanie...as usuall kien tat is depress over the same thing...but ai ya..
i know it's very very difficult...but i still have to say " many trees in the forest, many fish in the sea, many birds in the sky" i dun think u deserve to be tortured like that..hah..
tomrow going sentosa...sunday to wednesday bungalow chalet!!! woot...on sunday...only people carry heavy things i fetch...or not...go yourself..hahaha =)
let's start from wednesday...woke up super early to meet phillane for breakfast at thomsom macdonals...and yes she treated me to hotcakes...then when to her house to watch
AMZING RACE...don't be cheated by her big television at home...it's spoilt...she uses this mini tv like half the size of an A4 paper...*phillane dad is no longer in the prawn buisness, so no more lobster size prawns for bbq anymore =(..okie..then met up the guys to collect our pay at
ubin seafood restaurant...then went to blen's home to stay overnight...had supper as usual...
rotijohn, mutabak, rotiplata...then played card thru-out the night...haha..please do not expose my superb body! hahaha...and yes...neo and me shared a same bed..haha...
thursday..went to have lunch at the foodcourt at wisma...very nice atmosphere there...open
not long ago i think...very kampong style...warm atmosphere...hah...at night went to blens hosue again...to teach maple maths..hope she does well...=) maple if u are reading this...haha..try your best yar? remember if duno the question, skip and move on...dun worry =)
friday...this day i can never ever ever ever forget in my life....first of all..i met peter at suntec...went to watch movie with him..yurp..just the 2 of us...i'm not telling what show we watched...but i don't encouraged anyone to watch..hahaha...peter loves this movie...felt so funny going out with peter becauase it's usually blen me and peter..and we would like bully peter all the way...but now it's only me..felt something missing..anyway..meet kien tat, in town..then joined by qingshun and stephanie...as usuall kien tat is depress over the same thing...but ai ya..
i know it's very very difficult...but i still have to say " many trees in the forest, many fish in the sea, many birds in the sky" i dun think u deserve to be tortured like that..hah..
tomrow going sentosa...sunday to wednesday bungalow chalet!!! woot...on sunday...only people carry heavy things i fetch...or not...go yourself..hahaha =)
Sunday, October 02, 2005
The Brink Of Faith...
blenheim tan..i'm so going to strangle you when i see u in heaven... i can never ever forget the times at trengganu, the times when we lead the class in our funfair back in secondary school..
u lead the haunted house and i lead the food..and we managed to racked in top sales!!! the times when you are so sad, and just come my house to rot...the tiems at the sentosa, when we did crazy things like letting the chicken into the chalet..arghh... how i wished u could hear me...
still rememberd, in secondary school, when mrs fong asked the class our ambition...
u said u wanted to be a pilot, neo a buisnessman, qing shun an army commander, and i an engineer... and i linked it all up by saying, i will build the plane, neo will sell it to you, u will drive the plane, and for qing shun to parachute down during war...the whole class burst into laughter...remember??? blenheim, one thing i can never ever forget, was both our wish to see the whole gang know christ and lead a life which is honourable one..and how we both wished that one day the whole gang can just sit in chruch together... i don't know how am i going to do this now...but i pray that one day...our almost impossible dream will come through...
my class filtered me by saying i " jia kau" meaning christian guy who reads bible" though i can take jokes..but soemtimes there should always be a limit..they humiliate me...i don't know...
i'm not some holy guy..but thank God for one thing...which i can never shake offf...it's sewed into my heart...- "strong in faith" the faith for God, the faith of love to my future wife... trust me, believe me..i will do all it takes...someone was telling me, if u face with persecutions, face with things which u are at the brink of giving up your faith for God...think again...u mean giving up your faith will just solve everything? it won't...the problem will still lie there...easier said the done...but stay strong everyone! i can always help you...=)
God bless...
u lead the haunted house and i lead the food..and we managed to racked in top sales!!! the times when you are so sad, and just come my house to rot...the tiems at the sentosa, when we did crazy things like letting the chicken into the chalet..arghh... how i wished u could hear me...
still rememberd, in secondary school, when mrs fong asked the class our ambition...
u said u wanted to be a pilot, neo a buisnessman, qing shun an army commander, and i an engineer... and i linked it all up by saying, i will build the plane, neo will sell it to you, u will drive the plane, and for qing shun to parachute down during war...the whole class burst into laughter...remember??? blenheim, one thing i can never ever forget, was both our wish to see the whole gang know christ and lead a life which is honourable one..and how we both wished that one day the whole gang can just sit in chruch together... i don't know how am i going to do this now...but i pray that one day...our almost impossible dream will come through...
my class filtered me by saying i " jia kau" meaning christian guy who reads bible" though i can take jokes..but soemtimes there should always be a limit..they humiliate me...i don't know...
i'm not some holy guy..but thank God for one thing...which i can never shake offf...it's sewed into my heart...- "strong in faith" the faith for God, the faith of love to my future wife... trust me, believe me..i will do all it takes...someone was telling me, if u face with persecutions, face with things which u are at the brink of giving up your faith for God...think again...u mean giving up your faith will just solve everything? it won't...the problem will still lie there...easier said the done...but stay strong everyone! i can always help you...=)
God bless...
Saturday, October 01, 2005
work! work! work!
okie complain time!!!! my first part time job this holiday...factory work! 11pm-8am..
when i first went there...i almost wanted to leave the place immidiately... the machiens were so so noisy, everyone there had to wear ear plugs...or our ears will just burst...and we'll be deaf..
so for 8 hours i was standing there in the hot, smelly, noisy, place packing cans of condensed milk...the cans kept coming in, and i had to be fast or the machine will just be jammed ..so..this is my job...mental torture! jsut imagine...no one talking to you...u can't hear anyone in fact coz of the noise...it's u and the cans...for 8 hours..doing the same thing...
2nd factory job...packing fruit juices...far better then the previous...air con! and not so physically and mentally demanding...at least, u can talk to people =) worked from 7am-3pm then went to work at ubin seafood restaurant from 5pm to 11pm..totally used up every drip of strength...
today, went Orchard with maple, bought alot alot of things...and had lunch at LJS! hope u enjoyed yourself maple!!! went to blen's house today...had childrens day gathering... in the eyes of any parents...their children will always be a child...=) so dun ask me how come i'm celebrating it..
take care! tocky~
okie complain time!!!! my first part time job this holiday...factory work! 11pm-8am..
when i first went there...i almost wanted to leave the place immidiately... the machiens were so so noisy, everyone there had to wear ear plugs...or our ears will just burst...and we'll be deaf..
so for 8 hours i was standing there in the hot, smelly, noisy, place packing cans of condensed milk...the cans kept coming in, and i had to be fast or the machine will just be jammed ..so..this is my job...mental torture! jsut imagine...no one talking to you...u can't hear anyone in fact coz of the noise...it's u and the cans...for 8 hours..doing the same thing...
2nd factory job...packing fruit juices...far better then the previous...air con! and not so physically and mentally demanding...at least, u can talk to people =) worked from 7am-3pm then went to work at ubin seafood restaurant from 5pm to 11pm..totally used up every drip of strength...
today, went Orchard with maple, bought alot alot of things...and had lunch at LJS! hope u enjoyed yourself maple!!! went to blen's house today...had childrens day gathering... in the eyes of any parents...their children will always be a child...=) so dun ask me how come i'm celebrating it..
take care! tocky~
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
have been going to school this few days to complete my geomatics project... so guys, if u see someone in school wearing a yellow vest looking through a big machine or holding a red and white pole...please dun scream...haha went to carrefour today to submit application for work...they will call us back...but i doubt they would...=P..
okie now to nag at the gang..haha..i noe i'm like super naggy but soemtimes...nagging is good..=P
qing shun...please dun work till you forget who am i, if u need help, we are here okie...
kien tat...i have good news...depression can be cured...neo..love u babe...=)
qing shun's having a hard time to catch his fish because it keeps slippng away
kien tat's waiting for the opportunity to catch the fish
jun xiong have his fish already and wiating for it to grow...
my fish? hmm...hahaha...want to know? drown a fish first..haha...
i'm so tempted to make my blog into a match making service okie..hahaha...
"Lord, Renew my Passion..."
okie now to nag at the gang..haha..i noe i'm like super naggy but soemtimes...nagging is good..=P
qing shun...please dun work till you forget who am i, if u need help, we are here okie...
kien tat...i have good news...depression can be cured...neo..love u babe...=)
qing shun's having a hard time to catch his fish because it keeps slippng away
kien tat's waiting for the opportunity to catch the fish
jun xiong have his fish already and wiating for it to grow...
my fish? hmm...hahaha...want to know? drown a fish first..haha...
i'm so tempted to make my blog into a match making service okie..hahaha...
"Lord, Renew my Passion..."
Monday, September 26, 2005
Lord, i'm doing....all i can....to be a better man...
Send someone to love meI need to rest in armsKeep me safe from harmIn pouring rainGive me endless summerLord I fear the coldFeel I'm getting oldBefore my timeAs my soul heals the shameI will grow through this painLord I'm doing all I canTo be a better manGo easy on my conscience'Cause it's not my faultI know I've been taughtTo take the blameRest assured my angelsWill catch my tearsWalk me out of hereI'm in painAs my soul heals the shameI will grow through this painLord I'm doing all I canTo be a better manOnce you've found that loverYou're homeward boundLove is all aroundLove is all aroundI know some have fallenOn stony groundBut Love is all aroundSend someone to love meI need to rest in armsKeep me safe from harmIn pouring rainGive me endless summerLord I fear the coldFeel I'm getting oldBefore my timeAs my soul heals the shameI will grow through this painLord I'm doin' all I canTo be a better man
Saturday, September 24, 2005
met Peter on friday..so long since i've met up with him...grown so much muscular...and talkative...still rememberd years back when peter moved house, and the whole gang went to his house to help him carry the furnitures..and haha..we carried the sofa to the wrong floor and left it there...hahaha =P
rememberd how me and blen use to bully peter back in secondary school...fun! =P
went to watch Longest Yard!!! i rate it 8.5 popcorns!!! very very funny!!! no way you should give an excuse for this show...as usual after the show...Tracy told me she wants to learn football.. i could bet my life she would say that..hahaha...=)))) ..anyway, before that i suppose to meet kien tat 8.30pm at orchard...and i was an hour late...my bad! sorry kien tat..haha...
surprisingly he wasn't angry and could still joke about it..=)) you're the man kien tat! =)
Had cell group at 8am on saturday...-_-!!! in the afternoon went to changi for pamela (from my cell)
baptism haha..the journey almost melted my butt...haha...took a cell picture, will post it when i get it =)
back to sleep...i need to hibernate...
hope everyone's enjoying their holidays...
and for the gang...one more week!! =) all the way...
take care!
rememberd how me and blen use to bully peter back in secondary school...fun! =P
went to watch Longest Yard!!! i rate it 8.5 popcorns!!! very very funny!!! no way you should give an excuse for this show...as usual after the show...Tracy told me she wants to learn football.. i could bet my life she would say that..hahaha...=)))) ..anyway, before that i suppose to meet kien tat 8.30pm at orchard...and i was an hour late...my bad! sorry kien tat..haha...
surprisingly he wasn't angry and could still joke about it..=)) you're the man kien tat! =)
Had cell group at 8am on saturday...-_-!!! in the afternoon went to changi for pamela (from my cell)
baptism haha..the journey almost melted my butt...haha...took a cell picture, will post it when i get it =)
back to sleep...i need to hibernate...
hope everyone's enjoying their holidays...
and for the gang...one more week!! =) all the way...
take care!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
candidates for amazing race...
yes! finally!!! everything's over...no more late night mugging! i'm done! hahaha
the last paper hydrulics was quite okay for me...thank God i rememberd how to cauculate
pressure in that funny looking tank with weird liquids inside...=)
Well freinds, if you don't like maths...don't ever think of coming to my course...
because it will kill u...cauculator is needed for everymodule. The most interesting thing is, i've almost made use of every single function in the cauculator... that's how crazy it can get...=P
went to have dinner with blen's mum and dad on wednesday. Had cold crab, XO tofu, charsiew, pork, steam fish...*BURB* nice! as usual, kien tat did not eat anything except the fish...i've never seen a guy as choosy as him...can't even give face and eat a few pieces...in a relationship, it's always nice to have a partner who eats anything, in that case, no food is wasted...hahaha =)
went to toa payoh to walk around after that....somehow i walked into cash convertors....dozens of flasks selling for $1...discman selling for as little as $50....kettles, woks, steamboats...all at $5...
there are so many less fortuante people around who hardly afford a brand new wok...or a plate..
we are so fortunate...ThanK God for my family...
went to quessnsway today just to walk around...din't wanted to buy any clothes since we are going to thailand...save the money!!was in the bus watching tv mobile, when the amazing race family edition advertisement pop out... i was wondering, who would be the best partner to join the amazing race with...
Kien tat-during the race there will be times when we have no money, kien tat will be so
depressed till it's going to slow us down.
JunXiong -i don't trust him when i'm sleeping in the same room with him....hahaha he might probably force the gas out again...
QingShun-sure to save alot of money, and with $1million at stake...nothing is going to stand his way...
Tracy- i have to bring a torchlight and a bag of batteries coz it's going to be dark at most of the time...
Shawntan-no sense of direction, keep going to toilet...will be the first to be eliminated..
study smart pls..drink losta water!
i'm going to post candidates for my surviror team next...stay tune...haha..
Tocky =)
the last paper hydrulics was quite okay for me...thank God i rememberd how to cauculate
pressure in that funny looking tank with weird liquids inside...=)
Well freinds, if you don't like maths...don't ever think of coming to my course...
because it will kill u...cauculator is needed for everymodule. The most interesting thing is, i've almost made use of every single function in the cauculator... that's how crazy it can get...=P
went to have dinner with blen's mum and dad on wednesday. Had cold crab, XO tofu, charsiew, pork, steam fish...*BURB* nice! as usual, kien tat did not eat anything except the fish...i've never seen a guy as choosy as him...can't even give face and eat a few pieces...in a relationship, it's always nice to have a partner who eats anything, in that case, no food is wasted...hahaha =)
went to toa payoh to walk around after that....somehow i walked into cash convertors....dozens of flasks selling for $1...discman selling for as little as $50....kettles, woks, steamboats...all at $5...
there are so many less fortuante people around who hardly afford a brand new wok...or a plate..
we are so fortunate...ThanK God for my family...
went to quessnsway today just to walk around...din't wanted to buy any clothes since we are going to thailand...save the money!!was in the bus watching tv mobile, when the amazing race family edition advertisement pop out... i was wondering, who would be the best partner to join the amazing race with...
Kien tat-during the race there will be times when we have no money, kien tat will be so
depressed till it's going to slow us down.
JunXiong -i don't trust him when i'm sleeping in the same room with him....hahaha he might probably force the gas out again...
QingShun-sure to save alot of money, and with $1million at stake...nothing is going to stand his way...
Tracy- i have to bring a torchlight and a bag of batteries coz it's going to be dark at most of the time...
Shawntan-no sense of direction, keep going to toilet...will be the first to be eliminated..
study smart pls..drink losta water!
i'm going to post candidates for my surviror team next...stay tune...haha..
Tocky =)
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Last paper tommorow..God Bless me...please i don't want tracy's and jun xiong's senerio!!
Tracy-Section A do untill so happy, Section B -Fail...
Jun Xiong, Question A easy! Question B,C,D,E,F all difficult...
Starting do untill so shiok...then slowly, one knife stab into the heart, worst is jun xiong...
i feel for u brother...one knife stab liao not enought still more knife...worst! 5 knife all go down..
Enjoy while it last...=)
Saturday work with Qing shun part time...don't think i'll work there again...it's too much for me..
so badly organised that customers have to wait 45minutes just to get their bills.. if i was the customer i would probably just walk away...oh well, it was fun though...=)
haha..Went to watch "One More Chance" on monday...
i rate it erm..6.5 popcorns...this show is not worth more then $7... oh well, i watched it just to support local productions...quuite funny actually...=) it somehow succesfully shows the lives of ex-convicts in search for a new hope and life...Everyone deserves a 2nd chance!
Kientat-don't give up...good thigns don't come easy..=) Though there are many fishes in the sea,it's always worth waiting for the biggest...even if u fail...u can tell yourself " you've fight it with your best" that's more like my brother yah? No pain no Gain..
right beside u brother...=) *Love is patient ;) can't wait to go thailand with you guys..i'll go check out the price and itinery all these kie? while u guys happily mug,,cheapest one dun worry..hahaha who wants to come along ?? =)))) all welcome..
all the best for your exams everyone...
Tracy-Section A do untill so happy, Section B -Fail...
Jun Xiong, Question A easy! Question B,C,D,E,F all difficult...
Starting do untill so shiok...then slowly, one knife stab into the heart, worst is jun xiong...
i feel for u brother...one knife stab liao not enought still more knife...worst! 5 knife all go down..
Enjoy while it last...=)
Saturday work with Qing shun part time...don't think i'll work there again...it's too much for me..
so badly organised that customers have to wait 45minutes just to get their bills.. if i was the customer i would probably just walk away...oh well, it was fun though...=)
haha..Went to watch "One More Chance" on monday...
i rate it erm..6.5 popcorns...this show is not worth more then $7... oh well, i watched it just to support local productions...quuite funny actually...=) it somehow succesfully shows the lives of ex-convicts in search for a new hope and life...Everyone deserves a 2nd chance!
Kientat-don't give up...good thigns don't come easy..=) Though there are many fishes in the sea,it's always worth waiting for the biggest...even if u fail...u can tell yourself " you've fight it with your best" that's more like my brother yah? No pain no Gain..
right beside u brother...=) *Love is patient ;) can't wait to go thailand with you guys..i'll go check out the price and itinery all these kie? while u guys happily mug,,cheapest one dun worry..hahaha who wants to come along ?? =)))) all welcome..
all the best for your exams everyone...
Friday, September 16, 2005
Revealing the Life...
Okie...finally! 1 more exam paper to go!!! Hydraulics!! How nice if i can just dream of the answers...hahaha =)
Went to Orchard to have lunch today at lemon grass, then went to watch "Cave"...
i rate this show 6 popcorns! hmm it's a "Okay" show only so don't ever watch it for $9.50!
"Longest Yard is RESERVED" hahah...and yes i was suppose to meet the gang to distribute the mooncakes which i bought..but they abondoned me last minute...
Holidays now till end of next month...well well, what shall i do..haha..Europe? Thailand?
anyway..i promised tracy that if she hit a GPA of 3.5 i will get her a super super duper uber big birthday present...after some negotiations...i brought the GPA down to 3.4 hahaha...
Please study hard everyone...while i enjoy a little first.... =))))
Yes! i have to tell u this...My cell leader Jessica! my goodness! Yesterday, i asked her to buy me a bun before cell group starts, since i'm already home...she said "okay, i'll buy u soemthing from delifrance-my treat! " i said no need...but she insists...so expecting a nice meal...she said she's going to buy small tart...so i tot..-better then nothing...suddenly she msged me again...asking me if she could eat half the tart...so i said okay...right now..my hope for a meal became half a tart..30mins later when she arrived...believe it or not she told me she ate the whole thing because it looks gross after she ate half...that's my cell leader everyone..---"a treat meant for me, went into the treaters stomach"
Went to Orchard to have lunch today at lemon grass, then went to watch "Cave"...
i rate this show 6 popcorns! hmm it's a "Okay" show only so don't ever watch it for $9.50!
"Longest Yard is RESERVED" hahah...and yes i was suppose to meet the gang to distribute the mooncakes which i bought..but they abondoned me last minute...
Holidays now till end of next month...well well, what shall i do..haha..Europe? Thailand?
anyway..i promised tracy that if she hit a GPA of 3.5 i will get her a super super duper uber big birthday present...after some negotiations...i brought the GPA down to 3.4 hahaha...
Please study hard everyone...while i enjoy a little first.... =))))
Yes! i have to tell u this...My cell leader Jessica! my goodness! Yesterday, i asked her to buy me a bun before cell group starts, since i'm already home...she said "okay, i'll buy u soemthing from delifrance-my treat! " i said no need...but she insists...so expecting a nice meal...she said she's going to buy small tart...so i tot..-better then nothing...suddenly she msged me again...asking me if she could eat half the tart...so i said okay...right now..my hope for a meal became half a tart..30mins later when she arrived...believe it or not she told me she ate the whole thing because it looks gross after she ate half...that's my cell leader everyone..---"a treat meant for me, went into the treaters stomach"
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
A Second Chance In Life!!!
How time flies, i have 4 more papers to go...the previous 2 papers was a killer...worst it's the first 2 papers...Used up ever drip of brain juice to understand the questions, but to no avail....
but well, i've learnt my lesson...understanding tutorials are not enough!!
thank God...it's a semsester test...or i would probably repeat... Shi bai Nai Chen Gong Zhi Mu...
Have been drowning mysef with chilled Ribena this few days...The weather is sooo Hot...
after all these years, i haven the slightest idea why bus 74 still provides no air-con services..
the journey from one and to the other is a billion miles...my goodness...no way i'll be in a no-aircon bus...no WAYY!!
After today's killer paper, went to Junction 8 to walk around... Could not find what i was looking for in Popular, Like Taxis, when u need them, they dissapear into clear sky, when u don't need them, there are throngs of empty ones passing you...
I wanted to change the blog song to " Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree"
but it seems i'm in love with this song...soothing...very meaningful...listen to the words =)
i wonder how's the gang getting along...miss them...missed those late car rides, those movie nights..and those walking aimlessly around....missed those chalets where we play all night long, missed those crapping...those laughing...arghh...
take care friends...Wear the yellow ribbon!
Tocky =)
but well, i've learnt my lesson...understanding tutorials are not enough!!
thank God...it's a semsester test...or i would probably repeat... Shi bai Nai Chen Gong Zhi Mu...
Have been drowning mysef with chilled Ribena this few days...The weather is sooo Hot...
after all these years, i haven the slightest idea why bus 74 still provides no air-con services..
the journey from one and to the other is a billion miles...my goodness...no way i'll be in a no-aircon bus...no WAYY!!
After today's killer paper, went to Junction 8 to walk around... Could not find what i was looking for in Popular, Like Taxis, when u need them, they dissapear into clear sky, when u don't need them, there are throngs of empty ones passing you...
I wanted to change the blog song to " Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree"
but it seems i'm in love with this song...soothing...very meaningful...listen to the words =)
i wonder how's the gang getting along...miss them...missed those late car rides, those movie nights..and those walking aimlessly around....missed those chalets where we play all night long, missed those crapping...those laughing...arghh...
take care friends...Wear the yellow ribbon!
Tocky =)
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Is it just me?
Woke up super early today for church...i was so unprepared to go church today....for class, we carried on the teachings of biblical faith and natural/human faith...my mind drifted away halfway... there were too much on my mind...sigh...
sometimes i wonder why am i still holding on to the promises of God...and i just don't understand why am i still believing and trusting God...
i just don't understand...u may say it's my faith...for God..but in my heart do i really have that strong faith? it seems that my faith for God is even smaller then a mustard seed... God...i dun understand....why? why am i trusting you? why am i still following you? are you really there? come one! give me a smile from heaven! many people around me stumble and fall...but why am i still standing? it's NOT because of my faith, it's somethign else...something i don't understand... seomthing you had rooted in my heart... what is it? or is it to feel the emptyness in me that i come before you? or am i expecting something in return? maybe everyhting was an act....
Love is seen though actions...and not what we say, or what we sms everyday to our loved ones...
if someone u know comes up to you and says..."i love you" does he/she actaully loves you?
words u say are from your mind and mouth...BUT...actions you show are from your heart...
be it a small gift or just being there for the person...even if there's no response from that person...u perservere on...because.. Love does not fails..ARRGHHH...God...Do i love you?
*Impression without Expression is Depression*
today during lunch, my cell group shared 6 blessings snow skin moon cake...durian, orea, rum and raisin, green tea, pandan and black sasemee flavour..yumyum...i bought moon cakes for the gang...it cost me a bomb..and it's coming out from my pocket money...
and kientat...please stop saying i have alot of money..because i DON'T...u don't have to be rich to buy thigns for others okie...maybe i splurge too much...but becuase i don't mind spending for the people i love alot...and not because i have too much cash to spare...u understand? hey! so if u receive losta stuff from me...it shows how much you are to me...if u recieve nothing...hmm, err....k la, still love u a bit la..=)
The winner is not the one who finishes the race...BUT finishes the race with the torch BURNING...
Study smart!
sometimes i wonder why am i still holding on to the promises of God...and i just don't understand why am i still believing and trusting God...
i just don't understand...u may say it's my faith...for God..but in my heart do i really have that strong faith? it seems that my faith for God is even smaller then a mustard seed... God...i dun understand....why? why am i trusting you? why am i still following you? are you really there? come one! give me a smile from heaven! many people around me stumble and fall...but why am i still standing? it's NOT because of my faith, it's somethign else...something i don't understand... seomthing you had rooted in my heart... what is it? or is it to feel the emptyness in me that i come before you? or am i expecting something in return? maybe everyhting was an act....
Love is seen though actions...and not what we say, or what we sms everyday to our loved ones...
if someone u know comes up to you and says..."i love you" does he/she actaully loves you?
words u say are from your mind and mouth...BUT...actions you show are from your heart...
be it a small gift or just being there for the person...even if there's no response from that person...u perservere on...because.. Love does not fails..ARRGHHH...God...Do i love you?
*Impression without Expression is Depression*
today during lunch, my cell group shared 6 blessings snow skin moon cake...durian, orea, rum and raisin, green tea, pandan and black sasemee flavour..yumyum...i bought moon cakes for the gang...it cost me a bomb..and it's coming out from my pocket money...
and kientat...please stop saying i have alot of money..because i DON'T...u don't have to be rich to buy thigns for others okie...maybe i splurge too much...but becuase i don't mind spending for the people i love alot...and not because i have too much cash to spare...u understand? hey! so if u receive losta stuff from me...it shows how much you are to me...if u recieve nothing...hmm, err....k la, still love u a bit la..=)
The winner is not the one who finishes the race...BUT finishes the race with the torch BURNING...
Study smart!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
6th months Death Anniversary...
Finally!!! My presentation is over!! Done with all the sky high reports...=) Next hurdle now is.. 2 weeks of test and exams! i have 6 papers altogether... The gang has one week of study break!!! whereas poor me...my exams starts this comign monday...gang went to have an overnight mugging on friday, din't join them because of a very bad sharp pain in my head...
i hope is nothign serious...keep getting it since this week...terrible...
All the best for your exams everybody!!! especially (Tracy, Qian hui, Hui Hua, Kien Tat, Qing Shun, Neo Jun Xiong...) have fun mugging...=)
Oh yes..my gems presentation on digital photography...my lecturer actaully likes it!!!
he said 3 words after my presentation " I am touched" WOW!!! i mean...it was really unexpected...comparing to others, mine was below average standard...but i think it touched his heart somehow..thank God...or i might jsut fail this module...neo's presentation was really interesting too!!! and my dear tracy...she was the only who did a scrap book...when everyone did a slide show presentation...and spent $6...when we spend like 50cents on a cd...
my story for my presentation was..."In memory of my best friend" i can send it to you people out there if u want to see it =)
anyway...today marks 6 months death anniversary of my buddy, my brother my best friend...stay cool up there allright brother...this presntation is a little gift not from me...but from my heart to you...=) miss you...will be joining you when my time is up..
so many things have been happening, and i wished u were here with us...Neo's got a really caring girlfriend...kien tat's falling in love with a really sweet girl...qing shun have been giving tuition to maple...and me...u noe! i shan't say..hah secret eh?...*wink* your mum misses you like crazy!!! please appear in her dreams once in a while...yur dad is becoming more loving to the family,maple is studying really hard (dun worry, no one dares bully maple with us around) ..natalie's working really hard and planning to further her studies, nyati has no one to cook for...and YOGI...my goodness...yogi as timid as ever..
Last but not least! Happy BELATED birthday kien tat!!! jsut celebrated your birthday 3 hours ago. ( owe you a present ) i dare you say "no need present, it's the thought that counts"
i pray one day u will expereince the Love of God kie? continue to strive for your dreams...work hard play hard...a quote for you.. "Life is a jouney not a destination"
You have been a great buddy...to all of us...i pray that love in your famiyl will continue to strengthen each day... and finally...just to make you fly in your dreams tonight ---- " you are quite handsome"
take care friends..=)
kientat...u noe i'm kidding rite? *wink*
i hope is nothign serious...keep getting it since this week...terrible...
All the best for your exams everybody!!! especially (Tracy, Qian hui, Hui Hua, Kien Tat, Qing Shun, Neo Jun Xiong...) have fun mugging...=)
Oh yes..my gems presentation on digital photography...my lecturer actaully likes it!!!
he said 3 words after my presentation " I am touched" WOW!!! i mean...it was really unexpected...comparing to others, mine was below average standard...but i think it touched his heart somehow..thank God...or i might jsut fail this module...neo's presentation was really interesting too!!! and my dear tracy...she was the only who did a scrap book...when everyone did a slide show presentation...and spent $6...when we spend like 50cents on a cd...
my story for my presentation was..."In memory of my best friend" i can send it to you people out there if u want to see it =)
anyway...today marks 6 months death anniversary of my buddy, my brother my best friend...stay cool up there allright brother...this presntation is a little gift not from me...but from my heart to you...=) miss you...will be joining you when my time is up..
so many things have been happening, and i wished u were here with us...Neo's got a really caring girlfriend...kien tat's falling in love with a really sweet girl...qing shun have been giving tuition to maple...and me...u noe! i shan't say..hah secret eh?...*wink* your mum misses you like crazy!!! please appear in her dreams once in a while...yur dad is becoming more loving to the family,maple is studying really hard (dun worry, no one dares bully maple with us around) ..natalie's working really hard and planning to further her studies, nyati has no one to cook for...and YOGI...my goodness...yogi as timid as ever..
Last but not least! Happy BELATED birthday kien tat!!! jsut celebrated your birthday 3 hours ago. ( owe you a present ) i dare you say "no need present, it's the thought that counts"
i pray one day u will expereince the Love of God kie? continue to strive for your dreams...work hard play hard...a quote for you.. "Life is a jouney not a destination"
You have been a great buddy...to all of us...i pray that love in your famiyl will continue to strengthen each day... and finally...just to make you fly in your dreams tonight ---- " you are quite handsome"
take care friends..=)
kientat...u noe i'm kidding rite? *wink*
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Sunday, September 04, 2005
and afterall...you my wonderwall...
* ma'am -stay strong with the Lord, blessed is the men who perseveres under trials" you are not alone ;)
friday qingshun stayed over at my home...he treated me bigmac at macdonalds for sub-dinner...
honestly macdonalds is the last place i would choose to eat when i'm hungry...the only meal i eat is fillet 'o" fish...=P long john silver is a nono for me unless i'm at a really tight budget... so where do i always eat? unless u really know me..it's impossible to guess...hahaha....i really want to try having dinner at the zoo....a different experience...tsk tsk...=)
okok so friday night, me and qingshun went to pasamalam at angmokio....though as usual i bought nothing...but it's nice to be in the atmosphere of a night market...haha...i can almost memorise the sequeunce of stalls at pasamalam...it's always the same!!! let me guess..the tail end of the pasamalam either sells fruits or pillows! there will always always be a stall which sells sourpalms, dates, and all the colourful prunes...and of course..the famous games which they have...those frogs floating around the pool of water and u have to hook it up using a pole...and yes...the pingpong thingy u have to roll and accumulate points..heh..
went back home after that...qingshun have to practice memorising his script for the star idol competition tommorow at junction8...so now u know why he stay over at my home..haha...
i was so nice to let him have my bed to sleep...,my bed is 2in1 but...i was too lazy to drag it out...and i used the mattress instead -_- *results of the competition? you'll have to ask him yourself =P
church today...someone called me nerd...-_- the same person who ask me to eat meat...
well, i may not be that handsome...but i don't think i look nerdy... and another person say i look super tanned and dark...i have comments every sunday...i wonder why...
presentations lined up, reports sky high,projects due this week...this is going to be one crazy week..i doubt i'll even have time to breathe..eyes are popping out, head is dropping...
everyone is going through the same thing...all the best friends! 3 more drainy weeks to a solid month of holiday...woot...
hold me in your arms, never let me go! because i can't stop, never stop falling in love with you...
friday qingshun stayed over at my home...he treated me bigmac at macdonalds for sub-dinner...
honestly macdonalds is the last place i would choose to eat when i'm hungry...the only meal i eat is fillet 'o" fish...=P long john silver is a nono for me unless i'm at a really tight budget... so where do i always eat? unless u really know me..it's impossible to guess...hahaha....i really want to try having dinner at the zoo....a different experience...tsk tsk...=)
okok so friday night, me and qingshun went to pasamalam at angmokio....though as usual i bought nothing...but it's nice to be in the atmosphere of a night market...haha...i can almost memorise the sequeunce of stalls at pasamalam...it's always the same!!! let me guess..the tail end of the pasamalam either sells fruits or pillows! there will always always be a stall which sells sourpalms, dates, and all the colourful prunes...and of course..the famous games which they have...those frogs floating around the pool of water and u have to hook it up using a pole...and yes...the pingpong thingy u have to roll and accumulate points..heh..
went back home after that...qingshun have to practice memorising his script for the star idol competition tommorow at junction8...so now u know why he stay over at my home..haha...
i was so nice to let him have my bed to sleep...,my bed is 2in1 but...i was too lazy to drag it out...and i used the mattress instead -_- *results of the competition? you'll have to ask him yourself =P
church today...someone called me nerd...-_- the same person who ask me to eat meat...
well, i may not be that handsome...but i don't think i look nerdy... and another person say i look super tanned and dark...i have comments every sunday...i wonder why...
presentations lined up, reports sky high,projects due this week...this is going to be one crazy week..i doubt i'll even have time to breathe..eyes are popping out, head is dropping...
everyone is going through the same thing...all the best friends! 3 more drainy weeks to a solid month of holiday...woot...
hold me in your arms, never let me go! because i can't stop, never stop falling in love with you...
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Take me Deeper
first of all let me complain about the weather...i don't know why...but it's getting hotter everyday, either the ozone layer is depleting at a super fast rate or the earth is getting closer to the sun.... and worst my journey to schoool is long and drainy...imgaine, no air-con, hot air blowing at you...my goodness...u can pratically feel yourself melting in the bus...
as usual, project deadlines are getting closer....it's always the end of term when we start to get busy....and rushing for projects..."work under pressure" tsk tsk...
i was sitting beside this woman in the bus the other day.not long, she pressed the bell, and alighted the bus with a smiling face...---the woman was blind....people often complain what a sad life they have, so boring,, so meaningless, so stressfull, so many problems... people...imagine yourself as this blind lady...the world is dark to her....no mornings, no afternoons...and yet she still has the courage to live her life...compare boring, meaningless,stressful with this blind lady's life...one phrase stuck my mind " life is indeed precious" be thankful with what you have, praise and glorify God..there are many people less fortunate then us.... =)
today cell group...
"There is a longing only you can fill,
A raging tempest only you can still
My soul is thirsty Lord
To know you as i've known
Drink from the river
That flows before your throne.
Take me deeper
Deeper in love with you
Jesus hole me close in your embrace,
take me deepher that i've ever been before
i just want to love you more and more
how i long to be deeper in love
sunrise to sunrise i will seek your face
drawn by the spirit
to the promise of your face
my heart has found in you
a hope that will abide...
as usual, project deadlines are getting closer....it's always the end of term when we start to get busy....and rushing for projects..."work under pressure" tsk tsk...
i was sitting beside this woman in the bus the other day.not long, she pressed the bell, and alighted the bus with a smiling face...---the woman was blind....people often complain what a sad life they have, so boring,, so meaningless, so stressfull, so many problems... people...imagine yourself as this blind lady...the world is dark to her....no mornings, no afternoons...and yet she still has the courage to live her life...compare boring, meaningless,stressful with this blind lady's life...one phrase stuck my mind " life is indeed precious" be thankful with what you have, praise and glorify God..there are many people less fortunate then us.... =)
today cell group...
"There is a longing only you can fill,
A raging tempest only you can still
My soul is thirsty Lord
To know you as i've known
Drink from the river
That flows before your throne.
Take me deeper
Deeper in love with you
Jesus hole me close in your embrace,
take me deepher that i've ever been before
i just want to love you more and more
how i long to be deeper in love
sunrise to sunrise i will seek your face
drawn by the spirit
to the promise of your face
my heart has found in you
a hope that will abide...
Sunday, August 28, 2005
*most impt announcements first...Mooncakes!
My church will be selling mooncakes and all proceeds will go to our building project for Harvest Care Centre (SimsAve) involved in community and social services..
so any of you want mooncakes...please =)) don't hesitate to order from me =) drop me an e-mail stongmusculararms@hotmail.com and i'll send u the order list =) for guys, this is your chance to impress your girl's mum!!! what better present to give on mooncake festivel then a 4 piece delicious mouth watering mooncake for the whole family to enjoy...=)) for girls...u can buy a 6 mini snowskin mooncake...and check this out...u have orea chocolate,greentea, black sesamee, rum & raisin, pandan, honey dew and coffee flavour...my goodness how can u resist that! auntie and uncles! buy a box for your whole family to enjoy! =)) even better, buy a few boxes for your colleages, bless them!!! =)
went out with the gang on saturday night...wanted to watch movie, but there wasn't any that suited our time, and wan LILIN did not want to watch valiant...anyway, good thing we din't watch...a waste to spend $9.50 on a cartoon movie....it was so funny...if you guys remembered, i once wrote a post on the bird droppings falling on me...i was telling the gang if the bird dropping were to land on me again, i'll buy each of them an i-pod" i don't believe that will ever happen again...unless i'm that *lucky....and the funny thing was, their reaction was the same..together, they looked to the sky and began to pray that the bird will drop it on me...hahahaha
so walked to wheelock, waited for 30mins to have dinner at NYDC...i had dessert only...
*miss wan...be prepared for the pricess gift!!! you'll love it! and thank God u never assinate me for copy catting u...hahaha...-chun tian the chun wei... ;)
church today...
"Where can i go from your spirit? where can i flee from your presence? if i go up to the heavens, you are there, if i make my beds in the depths, you are there. If i rise on the wings of the dawn, if i settle on the dark side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."
take care everyone...
Be not afraid of growing slowly, buf of standing still
Tocky.. =)
My church will be selling mooncakes and all proceeds will go to our building project for Harvest Care Centre (SimsAve) involved in community and social services..
so any of you want mooncakes...please =)) don't hesitate to order from me =) drop me an e-mail stongmusculararms@hotmail.com and i'll send u the order list =) for guys, this is your chance to impress your girl's mum!!! what better present to give on mooncake festivel then a 4 piece delicious mouth watering mooncake for the whole family to enjoy...=)) for girls...u can buy a 6 mini snowskin mooncake...and check this out...u have orea chocolate,greentea, black sesamee, rum & raisin, pandan, honey dew and coffee flavour...my goodness how can u resist that! auntie and uncles! buy a box for your whole family to enjoy! =)) even better, buy a few boxes for your colleages, bless them!!! =)
went out with the gang on saturday night...wanted to watch movie, but there wasn't any that suited our time, and wan LILIN did not want to watch valiant...anyway, good thing we din't watch...a waste to spend $9.50 on a cartoon movie....it was so funny...if you guys remembered, i once wrote a post on the bird droppings falling on me...i was telling the gang if the bird dropping were to land on me again, i'll buy each of them an i-pod" i don't believe that will ever happen again...unless i'm that *lucky....and the funny thing was, their reaction was the same..together, they looked to the sky and began to pray that the bird will drop it on me...hahahaha
so walked to wheelock, waited for 30mins to have dinner at NYDC...i had dessert only...
*miss wan...be prepared for the pricess gift!!! you'll love it! and thank God u never assinate me for copy catting u...hahaha...-chun tian the chun wei... ;)
church today...
"Where can i go from your spirit? where can i flee from your presence? if i go up to the heavens, you are there, if i make my beds in the depths, you are there. If i rise on the wings of the dawn, if i settle on the dark side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."
take care everyone...
Be not afraid of growing slowly, buf of standing still
Tocky.. =)
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Jesus Saves
Okie...lesson was suppose to start at 10.30am today, and lecturer reminded us to be punctual because the course director will be coming in for an in-class assesment on him...
and 10.30 comes, mr.loo standing in front, with a miserable me, looking at him staring at eachother...yes! you've guess it! my whole class was late except me...then came the course director...u've guess it again! 3 person in the class now...hahaha....
director almost fainted...poor mr.loo...i was laughing my head off at him...poor guy...whole class sabotage him...haha...=)))
then came concrete design class....the formula INVESTED module...3 weeks...2 and a half hours a week for 1 miserable question to be completed... just imagine the cauculations...my goodness
came back home, went to borrow 2 dvd's with my mum..hotel rwanda and wimbeldon...yes i noe i'm lagging...haha...but well...no one to watch movie with...solution- DVD'S !
oh dear...just recieved a sms...bad news..stop here...upate soon...
and 10.30 comes, mr.loo standing in front, with a miserable me, looking at him staring at eachother...yes! you've guess it! my whole class was late except me...then came the course director...u've guess it again! 3 person in the class now...hahaha....
director almost fainted...poor mr.loo...i was laughing my head off at him...poor guy...whole class sabotage him...haha...=)))
then came concrete design class....the formula INVESTED module...3 weeks...2 and a half hours a week for 1 miserable question to be completed... just imagine the cauculations...my goodness
came back home, went to borrow 2 dvd's with my mum..hotel rwanda and wimbeldon...yes i noe i'm lagging...haha...but well...no one to watch movie with...solution- DVD'S !
oh dear...just recieved a sms...bad news..stop here...upate soon...
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
A Passionate Man...
had a tough week...project datelines are drawing closer...exams are coming....
just had Geomatics term test today, don't think i will do well, maybe a just pass...and worst! it's not a difficult paper...have to do more tutorials! learnt my lesson -_-
have not collected my specs...have to wait till weekend when my dad comes back from malaysia...
had cell group today, talked about authenticity and mutuality of real fellowship...something that my cell leader (Jessica) said that struck me...
"Mutuality means giving and receiving, and depending on each other"
i realise i love to share my life problems...But...i should also learn to listen to others....learn to help others, learn to encourage...not that i never listen or help other's, but i want to do it with a more passionate heart...Really thank God for this cell group
A passionate man with a wild and fierce heart...
shall continute tommorow, i'm dead beat! take care
just had Geomatics term test today, don't think i will do well, maybe a just pass...and worst! it's not a difficult paper...have to do more tutorials! learnt my lesson -_-
have not collected my specs...have to wait till weekend when my dad comes back from malaysia...
had cell group today, talked about authenticity and mutuality of real fellowship...something that my cell leader (Jessica) said that struck me...
"Mutuality means giving and receiving, and depending on each other"
i realise i love to share my life problems...But...i should also learn to listen to others....learn to help others, learn to encourage...not that i never listen or help other's, but i want to do it with a more passionate heart...Really thank God for this cell group
A passionate man with a wild and fierce heart...
shall continute tommorow, i'm dead beat! take care
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

my classmates! The Civil And Structural Engineers of the future....remember us! we are going to be the ones, who will be building your homes and structures all over the world...
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
How Cool Is That...!
went to church today...felt recharged UNTILL... u won't believe it... someone told me something which really affected me... he said " stop drinking milk, it's time to chew some meat" (in relation in my spiritual walk with God) is an insult to me...okok, i shan't elaborat further in case i get too violent...hahaha anyway, guess i'll just forgive him...
Okie now for the shocking news of the year...Everyone...believe it or not....
"MY DAD ACTUALLY READS MY BLOG!!!!!!!" friends...just imagine, yur dad reads yur blog...
i have no comments...speechless..haha...i told this to tracy and pamela, and thery actaully said "this is so cool"... -____-!!!!
okie..since i know my dad reads my blog, i'll complain here if i dun have enough allowance or i want something badly...like an IPOD!!!! muahahha.... wanted a new camera first actaully...BUT...my mp3 is spoilt...tsk tsk..so..ermm..errmm...erm...ya =)))
auntie and uncles reading my blog...u should check out your childrens blog too... doesn't it remind u of your younger days? hahaha...i know there are aunties and uncles reading my blog...i can feel it...haha... take care!!!
Okie now for the shocking news of the year...Everyone...believe it or not....
"MY DAD ACTUALLY READS MY BLOG!!!!!!!" friends...just imagine, yur dad reads yur blog...
i have no comments...speechless..haha...i told this to tracy and pamela, and thery actaully said "this is so cool"... -____-!!!!
okie..since i know my dad reads my blog, i'll complain here if i dun have enough allowance or i want something badly...like an IPOD!!!! muahahha.... wanted a new camera first actaully...BUT...my mp3 is spoilt...tsk tsk..so..ermm..errmm...erm...ya =)))
auntie and uncles reading my blog...u should check out your childrens blog too... doesn't it remind u of your younger days? hahaha...i know there are aunties and uncles reading my blog...i can feel it...haha... take care!!!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Expect the unexpected...
okie, i had never expect this to ever happen to me...but it happened...
i was walking along orchard outside taka today...and....
a BIRDSHIT dropped on me... it was green and cloudy arghh...i duno how to descibe..
there were like throngs of people staring at me....laughing i suppose...
how unfortunate can i get..tsk tsk...lucky i wasn't meeting some girl..but kientat...hahaha..
can u imagine out of a thousand people there...and a whole piece of land to do their buisness, this particular bird had to do it above me...
and for those supersticious people out there..my i/c number is xxxx....u can go buy yur 4D...
buy me an i-pod if u strike =)
morale of the story- carry an umbrealla everyhere u go...
i was walking along orchard outside taka today...and....
a BIRDSHIT dropped on me... it was green and cloudy arghh...i duno how to descibe..
there were like throngs of people staring at me....laughing i suppose...
how unfortunate can i get..tsk tsk...lucky i wasn't meeting some girl..but kientat...hahaha..
can u imagine out of a thousand people there...and a whole piece of land to do their buisness, this particular bird had to do it above me...
and for those supersticious people out there..my i/c number is xxxx....u can go buy yur 4D...
buy me an i-pod if u strike =)
morale of the story- carry an umbrealla everyhere u go...
Friday, August 19, 2005
okie, today is a really sad day won't go to the details, coz it might bring some of u down...sorry gang, my mood affected u all...i'm seldom sad, but when i'm sad...argh...it must be really saddending...went to clementi macdonalds to have a drink with the usual gang...
shared with them something, and i hope miss tracy wan lilin felt the wave...
tsktsk... waht i said din't come from me, but from my heart...yup...
7 of my classmates skipped engineering maths today...Teacher thought it was a strike...
followed kien tat to cut his hair...and my goodness it's terribly short now...
went to have dinner, and yes my favourite pepper crab...had a nice and long talk with maple today...and glad everything's okay for her..her grades are improving...and i reminded her to thank God...=) and maple if u are reading this, please stop eating so much toberone..
jun xiong, i may not noe exactly how u feel now, because the best person to understand this is-- yourself...but i've gone thru exactly what u had and i know it's terrible..u will feel restless, irritated, something seemed to be hanging in your heart, a burdenful feeling, like something dragging u..rite? continue to seek God and pray...look at the bright side of life, i noe it's easier said then done...but life is a Gift from God treasure is like there's no tomorow...here's my most favourite verse in the bible...Believe it or not, i memorised the whole thing....
"Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth, love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perservere, love never fails..." will be here for u brother...always....
and for everyone whose reading this blog..here's a verse from me to u...
"For i noe the plans i have for u," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper u n not to harm u,plans to give u a hope n a future." jeremiah 29:11
take care...
shared with them something, and i hope miss tracy wan lilin felt the wave...
tsktsk... waht i said din't come from me, but from my heart...yup...
7 of my classmates skipped engineering maths today...Teacher thought it was a strike...
followed kien tat to cut his hair...and my goodness it's terribly short now...
went to have dinner, and yes my favourite pepper crab...had a nice and long talk with maple today...and glad everything's okay for her..her grades are improving...and i reminded her to thank God...=) and maple if u are reading this, please stop eating so much toberone..
jun xiong, i may not noe exactly how u feel now, because the best person to understand this is-- yourself...but i've gone thru exactly what u had and i know it's terrible..u will feel restless, irritated, something seemed to be hanging in your heart, a burdenful feeling, like something dragging u..rite? continue to seek God and pray...look at the bright side of life, i noe it's easier said then done...but life is a Gift from God treasure is like there's no tomorow...here's my most favourite verse in the bible...Believe it or not, i memorised the whole thing....
"Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth, love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perservere, love never fails..." will be here for u brother...always....
and for everyone whose reading this blog..here's a verse from me to u...
"For i noe the plans i have for u," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper u n not to harm u,plans to give u a hope n a future." jeremiah 29:11
take care...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Another World
hello everyone, i'm back from Tioman!! Did a total of 6 dives including 1 night dive and 2 wreck dives...
Wreck dive was very interesting, we get to see all the sunken ships that sank during the wars,
interesting how these sunken ships can become a home to thousands of species...on one of the wreck dives
me and benjamin actaully dived into the wreck...my goodness there were like millions of fishes in it..
it's amazing!!! just imagine, luminous coloured corals, rainbow parrot fishes, wide blue spotted sting rays, hungry barracudas, swimming pass u....argh..another world...=)) the night dive was crazy! first time doing it..each of us have a mega huge torchlight...i playfully off the torchlight in the water and...my heart dropped...it was so dark then i could not even see my hands...
from that second onwards, torch was on all the way till i was on the boat...hahaha there was a training rescue diver with us and it was so exciting, the dive master a few times pretended to be lost and distress in the water, and he (training rescue diver) had to rescue the dive master, once on board, he had to perform a rescue senerio on him...interesting to see how all these equipment works..haha..maybe i'll learn to be a rescue diver too =)
anyway, i had nothing to buy on this trip for the gang, and they must be so disspointed with their chocolates i bought from a petrol station...=P .at least i bought somehting lor...=(
Anyway, end of the year, i'm going snowboarding with benjamin in france...if my holidays coincides with his that is =)) jun xiong is joining me too =))) hope we can make a trip down to trengganu to snorkel too on our holidyas..missed the fishes there...or maybe bagpacking...i was hoping a trip to thailand too...we can sit those cheap airline like tiger airways or something...haha...will discuss with the gang then start preparing the admin stuff...i'm not confident to drive into malaysia yet because i'm not very sure of the roads and worst so many incident where singapore cars got stolen....so for now...i stick to driving in singapore...hahaha....
oh yes!! i got myself a transparent blue plastic spectacles...my goodness i like it soo much, will be ready next week...
haha...time for a new look!!! went with my mum to choose it...be prepared for a retro lionel...hahaha
exams are almost coming again, projects have slowed down...sadly, my charlie and the chocolate factory seemed to be running away from me....hahaha...okie frineds take care!!!
Trust And Believe in God...
"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again i say Rejoice" Philp 4:4
Wreck dive was very interesting, we get to see all the sunken ships that sank during the wars,
interesting how these sunken ships can become a home to thousands of species...on one of the wreck dives
me and benjamin actaully dived into the wreck...my goodness there were like millions of fishes in it..
it's amazing!!! just imagine, luminous coloured corals, rainbow parrot fishes, wide blue spotted sting rays, hungry barracudas, swimming pass u....argh..another world...=)) the night dive was crazy! first time doing it..each of us have a mega huge torchlight...i playfully off the torchlight in the water and...my heart dropped...it was so dark then i could not even see my hands...
from that second onwards, torch was on all the way till i was on the boat...hahaha there was a training rescue diver with us and it was so exciting, the dive master a few times pretended to be lost and distress in the water, and he (training rescue diver) had to rescue the dive master, once on board, he had to perform a rescue senerio on him...interesting to see how all these equipment works..haha..maybe i'll learn to be a rescue diver too =)
anyway, i had nothing to buy on this trip for the gang, and they must be so disspointed with their chocolates i bought from a petrol station...=P .at least i bought somehting lor...=(
Anyway, end of the year, i'm going snowboarding with benjamin in france...if my holidays coincides with his that is =)) jun xiong is joining me too =))) hope we can make a trip down to trengganu to snorkel too on our holidyas..missed the fishes there...or maybe bagpacking...i was hoping a trip to thailand too...we can sit those cheap airline like tiger airways or something...haha...will discuss with the gang then start preparing the admin stuff...i'm not confident to drive into malaysia yet because i'm not very sure of the roads and worst so many incident where singapore cars got stolen....so for now...i stick to driving in singapore...hahaha....
oh yes!! i got myself a transparent blue plastic spectacles...my goodness i like it soo much, will be ready next week...
haha...time for a new look!!! went with my mum to choose it...be prepared for a retro lionel...hahaha
exams are almost coming again, projects have slowed down...sadly, my charlie and the chocolate factory seemed to be running away from me....hahaha...okie frineds take care!!!
Trust And Believe in God...
"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again i say Rejoice" Philp 4:4
Monday, August 15, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Desires of my heart...
Yes, i've changed the song again. This song is called Fight of faith... so many times in this world we are forced to do what the world wants...and so many times it pulls us away from God...but despite that, i pray we continue to stay strong and continue to fight this battle of faith to trust and believe in God...
Lord, only u know the desires of my heart, the test which i believe u have time and time laid it before me to test my faith...the feeling i have to go through, the pain...u know i'm weak in that, and u still....but i pray u continue to strengthen me in that area, that i may be a better Man of God..
went to pulau ubin on tuesday for cycling, used up every squeeze of muscles cycling up the super steep slope...the last time i fully use my leg muscles was like 2 years ago during secondary school...with all the exercise, i'm getting stronger everyday...hahaha...
going to tioman later in the evening, i hope i would enjoy myself there, seeing the ultra clean sea, colourful corals, enormous fishes, and yes dolphins!!! please let me see dolpphins...and yes i'm doing a night dive...this is so amazing...i'm going to see what's in the sea at night...i'll take some pics and post it yah?
Kientat - knowing u are not that adventorous type, i will just take some pics and show u =))
Qing Shun - knowing u eat anything and everything, but i cna't cope any seafood back... =) no sharks...=((
JunXiong- stay close to the Lord, every relationship has to be nutured, easily drifted hard to come back...take care brother... love...
Tracy - and yes tracy, i will just remove everything in my bag and stuff all the presents for u in it. hahah Bring u snorkeling/diving one day yar? i hope i can touch the dolphins and swim with it...it will be super cool...no piranas! when i'm gone, pleasse drink lots of water... -_-
take care friends, please miss me,
Lord, only u know the desires of my heart, the test which i believe u have time and time laid it before me to test my faith...the feeling i have to go through, the pain...u know i'm weak in that, and u still....but i pray u continue to strengthen me in that area, that i may be a better Man of God..
went to pulau ubin on tuesday for cycling, used up every squeeze of muscles cycling up the super steep slope...the last time i fully use my leg muscles was like 2 years ago during secondary school...with all the exercise, i'm getting stronger everyday...hahaha...
going to tioman later in the evening, i hope i would enjoy myself there, seeing the ultra clean sea, colourful corals, enormous fishes, and yes dolphins!!! please let me see dolpphins...and yes i'm doing a night dive...this is so amazing...i'm going to see what's in the sea at night...i'll take some pics and post it yah?
Kientat - knowing u are not that adventorous type, i will just take some pics and show u =))
Qing Shun - knowing u eat anything and everything, but i cna't cope any seafood back... =) no sharks...=((
JunXiong- stay close to the Lord, every relationship has to be nutured, easily drifted hard to come back...take care brother... love...
Tracy - and yes tracy, i will just remove everything in my bag and stuff all the presents for u in it. hahah Bring u snorkeling/diving one day yar? i hope i can touch the dolphins and swim with it...it will be super cool...no piranas! when i'm gone, pleasse drink lots of water... -_-
take care friends, please miss me,
Sunday, August 07, 2005
The Crazy Christian
it's been such a long time since i last post, don't know where to start from...hahaha...
hmm, have been very busy with schoolwork and projects lately as usual...
last week, celebrated qian hui's birthday at cafe cartel cineleisure with the gang and my cousin,
ate barbeque rips which i had to later beg the others to finish it...haha...tracy joined us after her yoga class and we went to starbucks for a drink, and yes she bought herself a botak sandwhich for dinner..hahaha...
on friday, went to festival of praise with tracy,hui hua and tracy's friend...my goodness, there were throngs of people there...and yes! the 2 biggest christian bands in the world- Hillsong Australia and Delirious were there...the indoor stadium was indeed filled with hearts of young and old desperate to praise God..Amen! This is the first time i attend a concert filled with people so so crazy for God....
people may say we are crazy because of the way we praise and worship God
but remember, if someone calls u crazy, don't get angry with them,...Because we are indeed crazy....we are crazy for God! =)) Amen! yet another experience of heaven on earth, where thousands come together as one body to paise God... everyone seemed soaked by the word of God..Amazing! Went to holland for dinner, and dear tracy treat me and huihua to dinner at crystal jade...either she's drunk or she really wanted to treat us...hahah ;)
"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2
Went wakeboarding with tracy,my sister, cousins, and qingshun
quite disspointed that i did not manage to do my backflip...haha......we had a mini party on the boat too...haha...after that we went to oarchard for a movie, watched this award winning movie..
i was speechless after watching it, u guys can ask tracy what show it was...excellent! -_-
after that, we went to NYDC for dinner, ben ate some spicy pizza, qing shun ate 3 amigo, sis ate chicken pie, patricia had a can of sprite, and i shared with tracy this mushroomy pizza..
and yes again tracy drank something which she not even suppose to think, and worst she stole part of mine drink...everyone was super tired and bloated after that and all of use took a taxi home...haha...extremly worned out...i need to hibernate...
going pulau ubin for cycling this tuesday since it's a holiday =)) anyone want to join us? =))
it's going to be yet another exciting day to come =))) haha...
i'm going tioman this weekend with my cousin for a diving trip...hope i see sharks there...
hope everyone out there is doing great...stay cool everyone ;)
Remember, Money=currency on Earth...Faith=currency in Heaven
hmm, have been very busy with schoolwork and projects lately as usual...
last week, celebrated qian hui's birthday at cafe cartel cineleisure with the gang and my cousin,
ate barbeque rips which i had to later beg the others to finish it...haha...tracy joined us after her yoga class and we went to starbucks for a drink, and yes she bought herself a botak sandwhich for dinner..hahaha...
on friday, went to festival of praise with tracy,hui hua and tracy's friend...my goodness, there were throngs of people there...and yes! the 2 biggest christian bands in the world- Hillsong Australia and Delirious were there...the indoor stadium was indeed filled with hearts of young and old desperate to praise God..Amen! This is the first time i attend a concert filled with people so so crazy for God....
people may say we are crazy because of the way we praise and worship God
but remember, if someone calls u crazy, don't get angry with them,...Because we are indeed crazy....we are crazy for God! =)) Amen! yet another experience of heaven on earth, where thousands come together as one body to paise God... everyone seemed soaked by the word of God..Amazing! Went to holland for dinner, and dear tracy treat me and huihua to dinner at crystal jade...either she's drunk or she really wanted to treat us...hahah ;)
"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2
Went wakeboarding with tracy,my sister, cousins, and qingshun
quite disspointed that i did not manage to do my backflip...haha......we had a mini party on the boat too...haha...after that we went to oarchard for a movie, watched this award winning movie..
i was speechless after watching it, u guys can ask tracy what show it was...excellent! -_-
after that, we went to NYDC for dinner, ben ate some spicy pizza, qing shun ate 3 amigo, sis ate chicken pie, patricia had a can of sprite, and i shared with tracy this mushroomy pizza..
and yes again tracy drank something which she not even suppose to think, and worst she stole part of mine drink...everyone was super tired and bloated after that and all of use took a taxi home...haha...extremly worned out...i need to hibernate...
going pulau ubin for cycling this tuesday since it's a holiday =)) anyone want to join us? =))
it's going to be yet another exciting day to come =))) haha...
i'm going tioman this weekend with my cousin for a diving trip...hope i see sharks there...
hope everyone out there is doing great...stay cool everyone ;)
Remember, Money=currency on Earth...Faith=currency in Heaven
Friday, July 29, 2005
Did You Ever Talk To God Above?
was packing my cupboard when i saw my primary school song book ! it had been with me for like the past 10 years...=) then came along one of my favourite song when i was in primary school...
Did you ever talk to God above?
Tell him that you need a friend to love,
Pray in Jesus name Believing,
that God answers prayer.
Have you told him all your cares and woes?
Every tiny little fear he knows,
you can know he'll always here
And he will answer prayer.
You can whisper in a crowd to him,
you can cry when you're alone to him
you don't have to pray out loud to him
he knows your thoughts
on a lofty mountain peak, he's there
in a meadow by a stream, he's there
anywhere on earth you go,
he's been there from the start.
Find the answer in his word, it's true.
You'll be strong because he walks with you.
By his faithfulness he'll change you too.
God answers prayer...
Very simple song, with simple words...but speaks alot...
Did you ever talk to God above?
Tell him that you need a friend to love,
Pray in Jesus name Believing,
that God answers prayer.
Have you told him all your cares and woes?
Every tiny little fear he knows,
you can know he'll always here
And he will answer prayer.
You can whisper in a crowd to him,
you can cry when you're alone to him
you don't have to pray out loud to him
he knows your thoughts
on a lofty mountain peak, he's there
in a meadow by a stream, he's there
anywhere on earth you go,
he's been there from the start.
Find the answer in his word, it's true.
You'll be strong because he walks with you.
By his faithfulness he'll change you too.
God answers prayer...
Very simple song, with simple words...but speaks alot...
the whole week...
this whole week was tough...had to go back to school for projects which lasts the whole day...
my busiest holiday since i came to poly...haha whoever says poly life is easy! it is not! yes we do not have much homework, and more freedom, but when it comes to project...u hardly have time for anything else...wednesday, went for a swim with qingshun and small gab at bishan swimming complex...those 2 can swim 25 laps- amazing! then went to Gab's school-ite bishan to have a drink..quite a cozy school actaully..nice landscape =) small gab was telling abt the school counsillor's and i compared it with poly counsillors which doesn't exists in my mind...whatever u do in life, your primary driving spirit is passion and not attention... do it for God, give it your best...the world may not see, but i assure u God sees all things...
After that, went back to school for project....then went to orchard to meet tracy and qing shun to watch stealth....=)) tracy had some grudges against me today and kept disagreeing with me...she refuse to believe i swam 20 laps and siad it was 2...and many more...=((( one minute she wants to be a pilot, another minute a commander, another a H.R manager, she's like all in one...so i duno...haha...have a feeling she wants to assinate me any moment when she has the chance...
thusday-wanted to watch movie, but shawn last minute don't want....had lunch at j8 and mr.shawn tan peng soon, treated us coffee bean...this is like the first time i got a treat from him...and it's coffee bean...hope he wasn't digging my gold mine....in the evening, met up with neo for window shopping in orchard...then went to haggendaze for ice cream =)
friday went for a swim with qing shun again, then he came to my house for lunch..haha..don' t u just love cheese brother? =)) went shopping at raffles city, in the evening then went to esplande-no signboard restaurant to have dinner...my goodness it was really expensive...blessed...we guys stayed over at blen's house yesterday ;)
oh yes, going wakebaording next saturday...the time has come to show everyone my skills....
my backflip...;) stay tune...
okie, shall write again,my eyes are shutting...=))
take care...
my busiest holiday since i came to poly...haha whoever says poly life is easy! it is not! yes we do not have much homework, and more freedom, but when it comes to project...u hardly have time for anything else...wednesday, went for a swim with qingshun and small gab at bishan swimming complex...those 2 can swim 25 laps- amazing! then went to Gab's school-ite bishan to have a drink..quite a cozy school actaully..nice landscape =) small gab was telling abt the school counsillor's and i compared it with poly counsillors which doesn't exists in my mind...whatever u do in life, your primary driving spirit is passion and not attention... do it for God, give it your best...the world may not see, but i assure u God sees all things...
After that, went back to school for project....then went to orchard to meet tracy and qing shun to watch stealth....=)) tracy had some grudges against me today and kept disagreeing with me...she refuse to believe i swam 20 laps and siad it was 2...and many more...=((( one minute she wants to be a pilot, another minute a commander, another a H.R manager, she's like all in one...so i duno...haha...have a feeling she wants to assinate me any moment when she has the chance...
thusday-wanted to watch movie, but shawn last minute don't want....had lunch at j8 and mr.shawn tan peng soon, treated us coffee bean...this is like the first time i got a treat from him...and it's coffee bean...hope he wasn't digging my gold mine....in the evening, met up with neo for window shopping in orchard...then went to haggendaze for ice cream =)
friday went for a swim with qing shun again, then he came to my house for lunch..haha..don' t u just love cheese brother? =)) went shopping at raffles city, in the evening then went to esplande-no signboard restaurant to have dinner...my goodness it was really expensive...blessed...we guys stayed over at blen's house yesterday ;)
oh yes, going wakebaording next saturday...the time has come to show everyone my skills....
my backflip...;) stay tune...
okie, shall write again,my eyes are shutting...=))
take care...
Monday, July 25, 2005
The mystery of sharks' teeth
Went to Church yesterday...i'll summarise what pastor preached in a few phrases...
-"Faith like a mustard seed"
-"God no sense = Life no sense"
-"Knowing God for who he is, not who you think he is"
-"Nobody who comes seeking Jesus will be ignored"
-"Jesus always responds to faith"
During sermon, pamela(one of my cell member) pass me some stuffs that she's selling...i'm buying one of it...won't tell u what is that---the one who recieves it from me will know" wahaha...okok, so after church, went to have lunch... After lunch, took a cab down to Sentosa-UnderWaterWorld...Going diving with the sharks there with my cousins haha...was almost late!!!..
when i reached there, we handed over our diving license...and waited for the dive master...we were then brought to the "behind the scenes in underwaterworld" my goodness, u guys can never imagine what's happening behind the big tank in underwaterworld...Sprinkles systerm all over, pipes all along, it was amazing to see how the underwaterworld works...impressive!!! okie, so off we go, put on our diving gears, and had a safety briefing on how to feed the sting rays and fishes...haha..i was so excited to see and touch the sharks...dear tracy said the sharks there have no teeth...we 2 were complaining to eachother on this shark issue..hahaha...i insists that the sharks have teeth, or they would be eating liquidfied food, but she says no, the sharks at underwaterworld have no teeth... i'll tell u the results later..
hahaha okie, so in we go, there were many tourists there taking our pictures from inside...haha, felt like a star suddenly...okie, i have to tell u abt the feeding of the fishes...By the way, we were feeding them cockles...had to feed the sting rays by the side of their mouth, or our hand would be sucked in...felt the sting ray teeth scratching my hands, it's not sharp, kinda flat teeth feeling..haha, then came this napolean fish...it was humongous, fishes are magnified in water, and the magnified version of the napolean fish was much bigger then me...hahah...held the cockles with my 2 fingers, and the napolean fish came closer to me...and swooop...i almost fainted in the water...the napolean fish mouth sort of dislocate and became bigger, and sucked the cockles from my fingers...YES!!! u heard me...it actaully sucks, like a vacuum cleaner, the suction is so stong, that my whole arm actaully move towards it's mouth when it sucks....
okie now the sharks, i touched the shark!!!! the texture is a little like leather, a little hard,haha...kinda scary...And Now, the moment of truth of whether underwater world sharks have teeth----I don't know, because....the shark wasn't looking at me, and it's mouth was close...so tracy!!! it's still a draw....hahha...the shark teeth remains a mystery
You guys should really go underwater and dive once in your life...it's amazing to see God's creation in the sea...simply amazing!!!
Shall end of here, take care friends, thanks for reading this lenthy post..
-"Faith like a mustard seed"
-"God no sense = Life no sense"
-"Knowing God for who he is, not who you think he is"
-"Nobody who comes seeking Jesus will be ignored"
-"Jesus always responds to faith"
During sermon, pamela(one of my cell member) pass me some stuffs that she's selling...i'm buying one of it...won't tell u what is that---the one who recieves it from me will know" wahaha...okok, so after church, went to have lunch... After lunch, took a cab down to Sentosa-UnderWaterWorld...Going diving with the sharks there with my cousins haha...was almost late!!!..
when i reached there, we handed over our diving license...and waited for the dive master...we were then brought to the "behind the scenes in underwaterworld" my goodness, u guys can never imagine what's happening behind the big tank in underwaterworld...Sprinkles systerm all over, pipes all along, it was amazing to see how the underwaterworld works...impressive!!! okie, so off we go, put on our diving gears, and had a safety briefing on how to feed the sting rays and fishes...haha..i was so excited to see and touch the sharks...dear tracy said the sharks there have no teeth...we 2 were complaining to eachother on this shark issue..hahaha...i insists that the sharks have teeth, or they would be eating liquidfied food, but she says no, the sharks at underwaterworld have no teeth... i'll tell u the results later..
hahaha okie, so in we go, there were many tourists there taking our pictures from inside...haha, felt like a star suddenly...okie, i have to tell u abt the feeding of the fishes...By the way, we were feeding them cockles...had to feed the sting rays by the side of their mouth, or our hand would be sucked in...felt the sting ray teeth scratching my hands, it's not sharp, kinda flat teeth feeling..haha, then came this napolean fish...it was humongous, fishes are magnified in water, and the magnified version of the napolean fish was much bigger then me...hahah...held the cockles with my 2 fingers, and the napolean fish came closer to me...and swooop...i almost fainted in the water...the napolean fish mouth sort of dislocate and became bigger, and sucked the cockles from my fingers...YES!!! u heard me...it actaully sucks, like a vacuum cleaner, the suction is so stong, that my whole arm actaully move towards it's mouth when it sucks....
okie now the sharks, i touched the shark!!!! the texture is a little like leather, a little hard,haha...kinda scary...And Now, the moment of truth of whether underwater world sharks have teeth----I don't know, because....the shark wasn't looking at me, and it's mouth was close...so tracy!!! it's still a draw....hahha...the shark teeth remains a mystery
You guys should really go underwater and dive once in your life...it's amazing to see God's creation in the sea...simply amazing!!!
Shall end of here, take care friends, thanks for reading this lenthy post..
Sunday, July 24, 2005
One People One Nation One Singapore...
finally!!! my test is over...after one whole long week of studying...now is the time to relax...
Let me start with saturday...Went to watch "the island"..hmm, not bad show, better then 'war of the world...." oh well, at least it ended off quite nicely...bought nachos and lemon tea.. my first and last time i'm going to eat that combination eh tracy?...haha okie then went to watch Ndp final preview~ really enjoyed myself...I think national day at the padang is much cosier compared to the kallang stadium. Okie the most important thing first.."The GOODY bag"
let me see, lots of snacks, drinks, (the usuals), a mini tambourine, stickers, tatoo, poncho,hat,whistle,flag,discount coupons, magazines..and a torchlight which doesn't turn off..
My cousin from france was disappointed with the goody bag, haha...he expected a gameboy for everyone or something... hahaha...after seated for like 20mins and ransacking our goodbags, it began to drizzle and everyone at the padang had to put on their poncho, oh yes! i put on the tatoo too!!! Cool eh? i'll put the picture up once i get the photos.. hahaha...this years parade was quite impressive leh, all the tanks and everything...plus the motivators!!! i was very motivated by our section's motivator....hahaha...he seemed to be following us, rather then the opposite...
dear tracy, kept teasing and staring at him! so evill...hmm..kla kla i was in this too la..haha
the fireworks display was also very nice. colou...hope everyone enjoyed their saturday...i really enjoyed mine...so happy to bring tracy along...she long wanted to watch ndp, hohoho...
k, i'll stop here...my eyes are shutting...take care!!
Let me start with saturday...Went to watch "the island"..hmm, not bad show, better then 'war of the world...." oh well, at least it ended off quite nicely...bought nachos and lemon tea.. my first and last time i'm going to eat that combination eh tracy?...haha okie then went to watch Ndp final preview~ really enjoyed myself...I think national day at the padang is much cosier compared to the kallang stadium. Okie the most important thing first.."The GOODY bag"
let me see, lots of snacks, drinks, (the usuals), a mini tambourine, stickers, tatoo, poncho,hat,whistle,flag,discount coupons, magazines..and a torchlight which doesn't turn off..
My cousin from france was disappointed with the goody bag, haha...he expected a gameboy for everyone or something... hahaha...after seated for like 20mins and ransacking our goodbags, it began to drizzle and everyone at the padang had to put on their poncho, oh yes! i put on the tatoo too!!! Cool eh? i'll put the picture up once i get the photos.. hahaha...this years parade was quite impressive leh, all the tanks and everything...plus the motivators!!! i was very motivated by our section's motivator....hahaha...he seemed to be following us, rather then the opposite...
dear tracy, kept teasing and staring at him! so evill...hmm..kla kla i was in this too la..haha
the fireworks display was also very nice. colou...hope everyone enjoyed their saturday...i really enjoyed mine...so happy to bring tracy along...she long wanted to watch ndp, hohoho...
k, i'll stop here...my eyes are shutting...take care!!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Hello everyone~ The archive in my blog is finally up and running =)
Do tell your frineds to read it, i hope it inspires all of you to continue
to live your life to the max...take care, God bless =)
Do tell your frineds to read it, i hope it inspires all of you to continue
to live your life to the max...take care, God bless =)
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Extremly fun day yesterday!! hohoho, nothing beats going to the sea to enjoy =)
Woke up at 6am, went to get the car from aaron...(we rented the car for 2 days and each of us took a day). Went to pick up kien tat, qing shun,jun xiong, and went to have breakfast, then went to pick up tracy at her house...before driving off, tracy said she had a feeling she forgot to bring something...and guess what? on the way on expressway, she remembered it was her camera! hahaha... made a u-turn back to her home to get it...
the planned route for me to punggol was ECP-TPE-PUNGGOL MARINA, but our smart jun xiong said he knew the way, so we believed him...drove all the way to changi village, ( jun xiong siad it was very near there). And to our horror!! Punggol is far from changi...jun xiong felt very guilty but he deserved it...haha We were very worried because the car fuel was negative emtpy...couldnt find a petrol kiosk and had to ask around...Thankfully for tracy's 6th sense direction, we found a kiosk...hahaha...pumped full tank...
okie, so now we were back on track to punggol...reached there an hour late and immidiately hopped on the powerboat...the instructor drove the boat to an island, thanks to the 4 of them, i was the first one to go...haha, after a few times of smashing myself into the water i managed to stand up though i can't turn left and right yet..hahaha my goodness, it was really fun...u guys have to try it!!! Then it was tracy's turn, she was the best among us all...she made it seemed so easy...left right, one hand...tsk tsk..and of course the 3 other guys on the boat was pressurized...
if a girl could do it...whats more of a guy...man ego..hahaha... okie so it was kien tat's turn... he din't manage to stand up, and was really depress, jun xiong next, smashed into the water a few times, but eventually manage to stand up too..haha i will always remember on the try he manage to first stand up, he mumbled to himself "YES" 3 secs later smashed into the sea again..hahaha lastly qing shun,my dear qing shun...u can never believe it...he invented a 2 in one water sport called -kneewake boarding...he really know how to make full use of the time... really impress...hahahaha....tracy! u are in this with me...dun run away...
next, it's my turn again, tried to action a bit, everytime i tried somethign new, i smashed...haha
i was very impress with a stunt tracy did...i don't know about the rest, but i'm quite sure i can never to it...which was...-to wakeboard and remove the wakeboard at the same time... kien tat manage to stand up this time...and was depression free again..for the time being...jun xiong was really good and improving...qing shun, was still doing his kneewake boarding....hahaha
took hundreds of pictures...will post up when i get the pictures..hoho..we guys are definelty wakeboarding again...it's extreme fun...haha..okie, so after wakeboarding--back to the marina, bathed and had our dinner there, after having dinner, drove to pasir ris, then to east coast for satay and coconut, then to clark kuey..walk around to digest our tummy...then went to maccafe and chill =) again...we sat down and eat...my 3 levels michelin tyres are about to become 4...hahaha...it was already 1am plus by then, fetched tracy home first..then qing shun, then kien tat and lastly neo...by the time i reached neo's house it was already 2am plus..i reached home at 3am...i'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves...=))
many people say life is boring, life is sad, life is a waste of time, life is suffering, life is all about studying, life is stressful... all i have to say is...life is more then just going to school everyday, doing homework, going to work, going to church every weekend, worrying for exams, getting into a relationship...come one guys! life is more then just this... =)
take care!!
Woke up at 6am, went to get the car from aaron...(we rented the car for 2 days and each of us took a day). Went to pick up kien tat, qing shun,jun xiong, and went to have breakfast, then went to pick up tracy at her house...before driving off, tracy said she had a feeling she forgot to bring something...and guess what? on the way on expressway, she remembered it was her camera! hahaha... made a u-turn back to her home to get it...
the planned route for me to punggol was ECP-TPE-PUNGGOL MARINA, but our smart jun xiong said he knew the way, so we believed him...drove all the way to changi village, ( jun xiong siad it was very near there). And to our horror!! Punggol is far from changi...jun xiong felt very guilty but he deserved it...haha We were very worried because the car fuel was negative emtpy...couldnt find a petrol kiosk and had to ask around...Thankfully for tracy's 6th sense direction, we found a kiosk...hahaha...pumped full tank...
okie, so now we were back on track to punggol...reached there an hour late and immidiately hopped on the powerboat...the instructor drove the boat to an island, thanks to the 4 of them, i was the first one to go...haha, after a few times of smashing myself into the water i managed to stand up though i can't turn left and right yet..hahaha my goodness, it was really fun...u guys have to try it!!! Then it was tracy's turn, she was the best among us all...she made it seemed so easy...left right, one hand...tsk tsk..and of course the 3 other guys on the boat was pressurized...
if a girl could do it...whats more of a guy...man ego..hahaha... okie so it was kien tat's turn... he din't manage to stand up, and was really depress, jun xiong next, smashed into the water a few times, but eventually manage to stand up too..haha i will always remember on the try he manage to first stand up, he mumbled to himself "YES" 3 secs later smashed into the sea again..hahaha lastly qing shun,my dear qing shun...u can never believe it...he invented a 2 in one water sport called -kneewake boarding...he really know how to make full use of the time... really impress...hahahaha....tracy! u are in this with me...dun run away...
next, it's my turn again, tried to action a bit, everytime i tried somethign new, i smashed...haha
i was very impress with a stunt tracy did...i don't know about the rest, but i'm quite sure i can never to it...which was...-to wakeboard and remove the wakeboard at the same time... kien tat manage to stand up this time...and was depression free again..for the time being...jun xiong was really good and improving...qing shun, was still doing his kneewake boarding....hahaha
took hundreds of pictures...will post up when i get the pictures..hoho..we guys are definelty wakeboarding again...it's extreme fun...haha..okie, so after wakeboarding--back to the marina, bathed and had our dinner there, after having dinner, drove to pasir ris, then to east coast for satay and coconut, then to clark kuey..walk around to digest our tummy...then went to maccafe and chill =) again...we sat down and eat...my 3 levels michelin tyres are about to become 4...hahaha...it was already 1am plus by then, fetched tracy home first..then qing shun, then kien tat and lastly neo...by the time i reached neo's house it was already 2am plus..i reached home at 3am...i'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves...=))
many people say life is boring, life is sad, life is a waste of time, life is suffering, life is all about studying, life is stressful... all i have to say is...life is more then just going to school everyday, doing homework, going to work, going to church every weekend, worrying for exams, getting into a relationship...come one guys! life is more then just this... =)
take care!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
okok, i'm so exicted about the wakeboarding on saturday with the gang, it's been super long since we learn something together...and i'm prepared for a laughing terapy session again... my goodness...haha..i can just imagine us sinking into the sea for 4 hours...
i'm renting a car, so i can drive them around and have lunch and dinner and maybe movie...Neo,Teo,Shun& Wan...please be prepared for a crazy saturday....
Kientat-No Excuse for being late please...
Tracy-Bring extra camera batteries...
JunXiong-Go memorise the road map to punggol
QingShun-erm...what can qing shun do...err...
i'm renting a car, so i can drive them around and have lunch and dinner and maybe movie...Neo,Teo,Shun& Wan...please be prepared for a crazy saturday....
Kientat-No Excuse for being late please...
Tracy-Bring extra camera batteries...
JunXiong-Go memorise the road map to punggol
QingShun-erm...what can qing shun do...err...
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