okie...update! so many things happen again...
meet qing shun at suntec, went to walk walk, and brought him to sweets kingdom...everytime i walk with him to suntec...it reminds me of the past...sad/esplanade/sit/listen/cry...
went to have steamboat after that....ate like 10kg of fish...bloated...
as usual, staying at bishan, there's no one to accompany me home...
watched soccer...sister's friends came to stay over, hmm...sometimes it's always nice to have a sister..hahaha...*wink* went to U.R.A the next morning...get to see the whole of singapore in small little models...oh yes... classmate treated me lunch, because he won a fat sum of money from soccer...thanks!!
bbq was fun...though it's rather exspensive...smart of everyone to come late so they dun have to set up the bbq....lecturers came with logans and durians! again, eat and eat...my stomach is going to explode anytime soon...
shun came to stay over yesterday...watched soccer =) i like it when the gang come to stay over, i feel we are getting closer...just sitting down, together talking rubbish, watching soccer, can be qutie enjoyable =) more please...and this time, i promise more pillows...and i'll share my comforter with u all...
went to church, felt a little revived again...i always look forward to the praise and worship...
the sermon was...*bleah*....forgive me..but it was quite boring...went to bugis, have lunch, and went to shop at bugis street....almost went to pedicure and manicure with qing shun...hahaha
i know it's crazy..but...when u put 2 vain guys together this is what u get..looking for some massage parlour but to no avial...in the end...he bought this white blink blink watch and white blink blink ear rings...and a choker...his into white now! kinda like those blink blink watched too...but it jsut doesn't suit me, so i'll just get a white watch without the blinks...wanted a bangle thingy too...i just dun look good in it...
most of use, live each day without realising how fortunate we are...we often thank God for complicating things, or for solving big problems, but miss the small ones out...
people say, good thigns come in small packages...
would u rather have only ONE person in your life who loves you alot...
or would u rather have many people in your life to shower you with love, each love is not as big as the ONE person can give you...but..u have many people...