it's been such a long time since i last post, don't know where to start from...hahaha...
hmm, have been very busy with schoolwork and projects lately as usual...
last week, celebrated qian hui's birthday at cafe cartel cineleisure with the gang and my cousin,
ate barbeque rips which i had to later beg the others to finish it...haha...tracy joined us after her yoga class and we went to starbucks for a drink, and yes she bought herself a botak sandwhich for dinner..hahaha...
on friday, went to festival of praise with tracy,hui hua and tracy's goodness, there were throngs of people there...and yes! the 2 biggest christian bands in the world- Hillsong Australia and Delirious were there...the indoor stadium was indeed filled with hearts of young and old desperate to praise God..Amen! This is the first time i attend a concert filled with people so so crazy for God....
people may say we are crazy because of the way we praise and worship God
but remember, if someone calls u crazy, don't get angry with them,...Because we are indeed crazy....we are crazy for God! =)) Amen! yet another experience of heaven on earth, where thousands come together as one body to paise God... everyone seemed soaked by the word of God..Amazing! Went to holland for dinner, and dear tracy treat me and huihua to dinner at crystal jade...either she's drunk or she really wanted to treat us...hahah ;)
"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2
Went wakeboarding with tracy,my sister, cousins, and qingshun
quite disspointed that i did not manage to do my backflip...haha......we had a mini party on the boat too...haha...after that we went to oarchard for a movie, watched this award winning movie..
i was speechless after watching it, u guys can ask tracy what show it was...excellent! -_-
after that, we went to NYDC for dinner, ben ate some spicy pizza, qing shun ate 3 amigo, sis ate chicken pie, patricia had a can of sprite, and i shared with tracy this mushroomy pizza..
and yes again tracy drank something which she not even suppose to think, and worst she stole part of mine drink...everyone was super tired and bloated after that and all of use took a taxi home...haha...extremly worned out...i need to hibernate...
going pulau ubin for cycling this tuesday since it's a holiday =)) anyone want to join us? =))
it's going to be yet another exciting day to come =))) haha...
i'm going tioman this weekend with my cousin for a diving trip...hope i see sharks there...
hope everyone out there is doing great...stay cool everyone ;)
Remember, Money=currency on Earth...Faith=currency in Heaven