Another week have passed...see friends...time pass with a blink of an eye...last week seemed like yesterday...tommorow seemed like few hours away...haha...
this week was stressful..all of us were having exams..i had 7 papers this week..2 more to go...the rest of the gang have average 2 more papers to go..except poor jun xiong who has 4...
all the best neo..."The Tough gets going, and the going gets Tough" 2 more weeks...we'll be birds in the sky...
We had dinner at godma's house on saturday...and it was woot...roasted duck, mix vegetables, fish,charsiew,lotus and corn soup, red and white wine...tOtally fortunate we are...
I feel we often ask from God and seldom give...Remember to give thanks to the Lord in everythign we do...we are really very fortunate to be living in this small little red dot...Imagine living in other countries..where fear haunt our mind with every breathe we take...i can't imagine that...
So hard, play hard, work hard and most importantly live life to the fullest WITH GOD in the centre of all things...Continue to Pray for blen's family, every drip of tears is precious to God...don't give up..Life is Worth Living...
Lord, be in front of us to guide us, Behind to Encourage us, Below to Establish us, Above to Watch over us,Around to protect us..Amen..
Love sees no boundaries,