Another week pass like a's more then 2 weeks since dear blenheim left us...
Though life continues, deep in our hearts there is something missing---someone's smile, someone's laughter, someones...presence...
i'm sure thorugh this incident..some of us have been questioning God why such a thing could happen to blenheim. Some of u may even doubt God on his intervention...well freinds,
I believe this incident happen for a reason only God knows...and i'm sure for's a period of the test in faith...It clearly shows how delicate life is...stay strong...
On friday it was sky's younger brother birthday...we went to his house for a mini buffet.
great food there!!...cuttlefishballs, mutton,chicken,sliced potato,mixed vegetables, chicken curry and many fortunate eh? happy birhtday charles...hope u like the present..
Godma, just came back from malaysia yesterday...bought us some stuff =) *wink
I made something for her this few days...and will collect it's for her to put in the mini museum in her house...heh...i shan't expose what it case she read my blog...ha
Today is Easter sunday Pastor preached many thigns..but i'll summarise it with a poem thingy..
Have you ever stopped to wonder
Why they called Good Friday "good"?
it seems that sad, black day
could be misunderstood.
How His Father must have anguished
as he watched his dear son die,
not for crimes that he had done
but for sinners such as i
what kind of love could be so great
to suffer willingly
the penalty for soemone else---
his blood was shed for you and me
but then when sunday came around
and death had lost it's sting,
that glorious morning was victory
for Jesus Christ, the King!
Now he's alive forevermore,
the Father's will was done.
Forgiveness, pardon-full and free,
by trusting in God's Son.
It was a "good" Good Friday
For the theif who died there too;
he took his place in heaven
when that long, dark day was through.
i am grateful to my saviour, my life to him i owe
i'll serve and love him always,
Because he loved me so. Amen...
If u are wondering if i came out with copied it from somewhere...i read it and it was really i thought i shared it with u guys...
we guys will be having our exams from tomorow onwards all the way to the mid of next month...
wish us the best and do pray for us yar...may our results be good testimonia's to God..despite this tough times...Take care my friends...
For the rest who are having exams too..."wish u all the best" study smart eh?"
I'll pray for wisdom and strength upon u...take care